Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mara Leigh

I gaped at the mark on Ella's neck, not paying attention to the training that was going on in the middle of the circle that the pack had formed. It was just a black crescent shape at the base of her neck, similar in shape to Blythe's. The major difference between them was that Blythe's was gray and Ella's was black.

When Beau had told me about his family heritage, I hadn't realized that he was able to mark her. I'd still assumed he'd be just like he'd always had been, but maybe not. It made me wonder what else he'd be able to do in the future. 

Several tears slid down my cheek, and I blamed them on PMS. I didn't know why I was crying. I was thrilled for Beau and Ella.

Maybe that's what it is, I thought. Tears of happiness? 

The couple beside of me was oblivious to the rest of the pack around them. Ella's head was resting on Beau's shoulder, and his arms were around her. They were so sweet together. I wiped away another tear, trying to hide them from Xander, who I was sure would take them for sad tears. The idiot would probably think I was jealous of Ella.

I sniffled and muttered, "Shoot. Stupid, stupid period hormones."

I hadn't started yet, but I had a feeling it would happen sometime today.

"Hey, Ella," I whispered, my eyes moving back to her mark. She and Beau looked over to me. 

"Hmm?" she murmured.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" 

"Of course," she grinned.

"Did it hurt?"

"The mark? No, it honestly felt wonderful."

I smiled back at her, loving how easy she was to talk to now. But I couldn't imagine a bite feeling good, much less 'wonderful'. 

"So you got a ring for Xander," Beau interrupted, smirking. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I caught him looking at it a lot at breakfast this morning," he continued, his eyes sparkling with glee.

"If he gets to mark me, I get to mark him," I whispered plainly.

"Sounds like a good point to me," Ella poked Beau's chin with her finger, causing him to chuckle.

I laughed a little at their obvious love. It just radiated off of them.

"Mara Leigh," Xander's voice came from the center of the circle, making me jump. I looked at him, forcing my eyes to meet his and not look at his bare torso. 

"Could you please stay quiet and not distract from the training?"

Wow, I was expecting him to be louder than that....

He didn't even sound irritated. He must be trying not to have a repeat of what happened the last training day.

"Yes, Alexander," I said as sweetly as I could, teasing him with the name he'd tried to get me to call him the other night.

He raised his eyebrow at me, taken aback by his full name. I grinned back at him, and he winked at me before going back to talking to the pack.

Our relationship had grown so much in the past week or two. Quite honestly, I'd lost track of time, and didn't remember how long ago it had been. 

Xander's birthday was in three days. The closer it got, the more I worried about whether or not he would like what I'd bought him. I thought it was great, but he might not would see the humor in it. But him not liking it was a risk I wanted to take.

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