When our paths cross again.

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  • Dedicated to Heather

Olivia and her new friend began to dance all around the room. Olivia was playing revenge on her shuffle with her speaker she had gotten for her birthday.

They jumped on the bed.

"'Cause Baby TONIGHT!! The creepers try'na steal all our stuff again! 'Cause baby TONIGHT! Grab your pick shovel and BOLT again!"

Then the head teacher walks in with her arms crossed.

"What is the meaning of this??!!" She stammered.

"Well, you see, uh.."

"30 minutes of being here and you've already caused trouble!" She stanched her shuffle.

"You lose THIS until you're adopted." She walked away.

"No!" She whispered. It was the last thing she could truly remember Adam by. And plus, she had never really gotten in real trouble before. She has made mistakes like anyone els, but never anything so serous.

She looked down. The dancing had let her forget her troubles for a moment. And it reminded her of Jordan. Not her friend in school but Captain Sparklez. This made her miss her dear friends even more. Justice, Jordan, Hawkeye, Cierra, and all her friends. Her life had never bee so good. Her life had never been so perfect.

She sat on her bed, her new friend joining her moping. She had never had so much fun. She had been there her whole life.

They sat there for hours, until finally the same teacher walked in with her shuffle. She handed it to her.

"You get this now because you are leaving. And, by far, you have set the record for shortest time here." She mumbled as she walked away.

"Wait what???" Olivia jumped up.

"You say 'pardon me?"." The teacher stopped.

"Sorry." Olivia said. She usually did say pardon, but was to shocked to remember to be polite.

"Yes, you are being adopted. A couple has come in looking for a girl around your age. They knew they wanted you." She said.

"How did they know who I was?" She was puzzled.

"I don't know! Ask them! Anyway, you're leaving. So repack your suit case, and good bye!" She turned on her heels, and was gone.

"Wow." The two said in unison.

"Jinx joke! Owe me a coke! Wearing white! owe me a sprite! Wearing blue! Owe me two! Wearing black! Owe me six PACK! Black out!" They both said, turning to each other. They then turned back and held their breaths. When they gave out, they burst into laughter.

"How did you know that??" Olivia whipped a tear from her eye.

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" She giggled. Olivia held out her hand.

"Hi. I'm Olivia." The girl took it.

"Hello. I'm Heather." They found themselves making their hand shake into a cool fist pump and began to make a secret hand shake. Olivia knew they would have become best friends if she was staying.

"You're alright Heather." She smiled.

"Right back at ya!" She giggled. Then the teacher came in fussing at Olivia and asking why she wasn't ready.

Olivia finished packing and began to walk out of the room. But then she turned around, and smiled at her friend.

"See ya." She said with a sad smile.

"When our paths cross again." She did the same.

"Oh! Wait!" She ran to her and gave her a hug. In her ear, she whispered.

"When you get outta this dump, I'm the snow girl. Remember that, and I know I'll see you again." She smiled.

"Snow girl. Gottcha!" She turned and ran out, Heather giving her a salute.

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