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A beautiful girl is sleeping on her bed peacefully forgetting about everything in this world. Looking at her sincere face anyone can fall in love with her.

She feels some water falling on her with pressure and hence she gets up with a jerk and starts shouting " Mukti Navya there's a tsunami here save me save me. We'll drown." And here her besties Mukti and Navya ends up rolling on the floor laughing like crack heads.

The girl notices them laughing and gets confused . She looked around her realises that there's no tsunami, neither any flood nothing but still she's totally drenched in water which totally means that her two besties bitches have poured a bucket of water on her.

The girl shouts " what the fuck you two . Is this the way you treat your best friend or you both don't consider me one ." 

Listening her lame reason Mukti and Navya stops laughing. and Mukti speaks " shut up Nanz the first thing is that today we have to go to office and Maria would be already like bursting volcano and the second thing we do consider you our bestie, our soulmate thats why we treat you this way . You know it's our style to treat each other ." 

Nanz chuckles and Navya continues " And yes Nanz you can't accuse us like this . If we won't have woken you up then not only you .but we both too would have ended up with no job at home. "

 Listening Navya both Nanz and Mukti shouted together " shit man. We are late ." 

" great realisation idiots " Navya comments " Now Nanz get your ass off this bed and get ready soon . I am making breakfast " Navya continues and starts moving out of the room but stops and says " well Mukti don't you think you are forgetting something ." 

Mukti bit her tongue " please Navya .You know I hate cooking " Mukti says" 

" oh really.." Navya said and Mukti smiled a bit but listening to Navya's next sentence her smile vanished and converted to a frown " shut up I don't care come and help me " Nanz giggled to Mukti's condition. Listening her laugh both Mukti and Navya glared at her and she nervously ran into the washroom to get freshed.

Nanz POV

Not again . Again this morning I got a cold water shower which those 2 witches poured over me well I do agree that they are witches. But they are my buddies. So I have no option but to tolerate them . Well yeah it's not my first time of getting such a nice shower from them. You know what I mean . It's very common for me and they also know it's the last option to wake me up so yeah no hard feels. They most frequently try this only on me but nevertheless those are not that bad . But I am also no less I am Nandini Murty . I never leaves them after their all these mischiefs . But today I am not much angry at them . 

Maria is the head editor of business class news channel as her name suggest we mostly concern about the business need and all that shit. She's super strict at work but still she's a sweetheart . 

We took leave from our office for a week to just chill and roam around Toronto . Yeah that's the place we stayeds at on our little girl vacation. But we extended it to 10 days and today we'll be going office after 10 days . I hope her mood will be good today otherwise we'll really be kicked out.

We three are soul sisters. Our colleagues always state us as inseparables. We never keep secrets from each other. Well Navya is the most mature amongst us and I am least . Mukti is a tomboy and the most daring .. After my parents died they are the only ones who stood by me, cared for me. We all 3 are orphans if you wanna keep it that way but we all have each other by our sides. The onyl reason we never feel our parents absence.

Nanz POV over

They reached their office and as soon as they entered the receptionist made a action telling then that they are most probably gonna be dead soon . We gave horrified looked at each other and ran towards Maria's cabin

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