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Nandini woke up to something very unusual, it didn't felt like her normal soft pillow but rather it was somethig hard and squishy. Nuzzling up more Nandini digged her face more inside the hard rock trying to get rid off from the blaring alarm of the sound. Manik chuckled looking at this kid holding onto him for her dear life. But this was something that had to be kept a secret, manik was not someone to get involved in a relationship but looking at nandini sleeping so peacefully made his heart flutter.

Nandini: Good Morning.

Manik (getting up from the bed): morning

Nandini: i dont know if you wanna talk about it but last night

Manik: was nothing

Nandini: huh?

Manik: it was nothing we just felt it and we kissed nothing much right

Nandini: ya right it was nothing much, people kiss all the time

Manik: thank god, i thought you'll be all gushy and crying about this and want me to be your boyfriend or something.

Nandini: duhh no ofcourse

Manik: so this is it. I'll go and get ready for office

Nandini: ya sure i'll meet you at breakfast then.

Manik walked inside the washroom but turned around and spoke,

Manik: and nandini!

Nandini: ya?

Manik: this is a secret right, i don't want to involve our friends or anything.

Nandini: ofcourse SECRET TILL MY GRAVE!

Manik: great see you soon

After manik left to get freshen up , nandini ran away inside her room and locked herself inside, slipping down to the floor a lone tear escaped her eye,

Nandini: i should have known that once a jerk always a jerk, how could i even think that me and you can have something, but now i don't feel anything for you, not even a little bit. You wanna keep it a game, lets keep it that way Mr. Malhotra . You can't get me not now not ever.

Nandini changed into a formal outfit for a meeting scheduled today, and walked out to the breafast table where she was greeted by the servants and the MONSTER MALHOTRA himself, who looked like he was in a jolly mood.

" Look at this idiot being so happy making my mind so fucked up here but all i know for now is i am not gonna get fallen for these charms anymore. Get a grip Nandini. Remember you are here for just a few more days, 14 to be exact. Live here and just walk off like nothing happened" Nandini spoke to herself

"Hey you are early for breakfast today and also dressed. Got some work." Manik questioned Nandini as soon as he saw her getting seated a little far away from him. Gosh why did the table had to be so longer.

" I thought i'll get some meetings done, can't always just sit around doing nothing" nandini replied a little more bluntly trying ti hide the shear sadness in her voice.

" So you want me to drop you anywhere" Manik asked her trying to be a gentleman. Duh as if that's even possible.

" Nope you've already dropped alot many bombs for now so no need, i can travel on my own" Speaking this Nandini grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and got up to leave.

" Ma'am your breakfast" Maria the servent asked.

" nope i've had enough agar bhook lagegi toh i'll eat at the office"Nandini replied smiling and turning to leave.

" fair enough" Manik spoke.

" And Manik." Nandini turned back to give a final look to Manik.

" ya?" 

" Nothing happened between us. Okay?" Speaking this Nandini walked away from him leaving a confused and shocked manik behind.

With a triumpt smile Nandini drove her car for her desired meeting. She was a strong women and she definitely knew how to handle a guy like him. She had slipped once for his charms but not again. MARK HER WORDS NOT AGAIN.

Manik had enough of the uneasy feeling that made his stomach chrun up and the need for his morning breakfast was long gone so he just grabbed his keys and turned on his engine trying to gather his rational thoughts.

" what the hell is wrong with me? Why do i feel like i should have sid something, like the time should just turn back to where i was in the morning lying beside Nandini with her body closer to mine. Why did i have to fuck this thing up. She was a game for me, still is but this feeling, i have never had this before it's like something's not going on the right direction. But isn't it how it's been for the past years, a girl i play every night and ask her to leave the next morning because it's clear, the rule is NO STRINGS ATTACHED. I have had enough of attachments for this entire lifetime but should have i just stopped Nandini and get this done all over again. No Manik you've stopped loosing , you don't loose anymore. NOT EVEN YOUR HEART." Thinking these thoughts in mind Manik drove away for his office.

The whole day felt like a jail sentence to the both of them who had been missing the presence of one another replaying the whole morning scene over and over again, thinking if they could have changed anything about it. The answer is a YES. But only if they knew what they felt, Manik had an urge for Nandini's body while for Nandini she wasn't too sure if she was yet to move on from her past or not. Ready to forget those millions of memories that she had created with HIM.

Nandini fumbled at her meeting while Manik shouted at his employees confused at his own behaviour, picking up his cell more than a hundred times he decided against calling her but alas has he ever heard of him mind since Nandini walked into his life in that bar where he first saw her. Dialling her phone he tried conprehencing a sentence to speak to her for why he had called her? What he wanted to speak about? When he had finally decided against of this call it was that worst time that Nandini picked it

"hello" she spoke a little too relieved watching his caller id on her phone screen. Maybe he had finally thoguht of apologizing.

" hey" Manik spoke softly.

" anything important?"she asked.

" are you busy?" he asked

" depends on what you wanna talk about"she replied calmly.

" i wanted to say that-i" Manik fumbled.

" yes i am listening"Nandini spoke.

" i just- Can you tell Maria i'll be late today" Manik stammered not forming the correct words.

" you what-? uh oh sure i'll, i am in a meeting right now can i talk to you later bye" Nandini replied in an anger filled voice and canceled the call.

" shit!! idiot manik" Manik scolded himself looking at the blank phone screen.

" jerk" Nandini huffed in annoyance.


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