Making Up... Or out.

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"Hey baby" woah. Something must've gotten into him. He would never say that. He's putting on an act. I just want to talk to him. But not here. I don't need everyone in on this. But this may be the only time we will be around each other by choice for a while if I don't say something. I just hope this goes fast.

Luke leans in and whispers something to each boy, what is he saying? He then says they're going to play their song Beside You. Cal does his solo and they go through the whole song. When it comes to the end and the last chorus, Luke comes up to me and looks my straight in the eyes and says "She sleeps alone. My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was..." and he goes completely silent. I don't know what to do. I feel my eyes water a little. He just sang to me. Does this mean he misses me? My first reaction was to kiss him, so I did. Oh. Ashton. I've already said I don't like him, I'm sure he will find somebody, I want Luke, I've always wanted Luke and he knows that. "Hey guys?" Michael shouts from behind us. I forgot we were all here, I thought it was just Luke and I in the moment. "Oh.Sorry. I didn't mean to ruin this whole thing." I say as breaking contact with Luke. "It's alright Avery, we're done now. We're about to go swim, you want to join?" Calum says making me feel a little better. "Oh. Sure. Why I'll just change right now." we all run upstairs, the boys go to Calum's room to change and I just change in the bathroom downstairs. I feel lost here. I don't know how to get to the pool. I think I might still may be in the basement? I don't know, I'll just run up the stairs. I hear the boys and follow their voices. I open a door and all of the boys are in Calum's room. Changed. Phew. That wouldn't have been good if they were still changing. "Oh. Hey Avery. I thought I told you to meet us outside when you were done." I guess Calum did tell me to. "Well. Um. I. Um. Got lost..." I feel embarrassed. "Well you could've stayed right outside of the door and called for us. We could've showed you the way. Oh well. Let's just go." The boys lead me outside and I lay my towel down so I can tan.

It's hot outside, and it's so bright too. I notice it gets a little dark so I look around to see what it is. Luke is standing above me soaking wet. He shakes his hair and gets me all wet. "Luukkkkeeeee" I whine. He picks me up and I start moving all around so he will put me down. He runs over to the pool and jumps in with me still in his arms. "Luke. I didn't want to get in!" I start pouting "Awh I'm so sorry! will you ever forgive me?" I break out laughing, he's just too cute. "NEVER." I playfully hit him and he kisses my cheek. "How about now?" He is so irresistable. "Eh. Maybe. How about this?" I hold his face really close to mine and kiss him. We move in sync. I feel his jaw move along my hands. He starts moving his tongue against my lip begging for entrance. I resist myself and pull back. "We're not the only ones here..." I say looking around as Ashton, Michael, and Calum are staring at us at the other side of the pool. "Haha. Um.." Luke awkwardly says. "So. How about we play some pool games?" I'm still a kid. "Oh Avery. You're so lame! Sure why not? How abouuuttttt... Um. Marco Polo?" Ashton jokes. "Okay. Let's do it." Luke is the first one as 'Marco', he comes really close to Calum. But he doesn't actually get him. Suddenly, someone comes up behind me, grabs me, and takes me inside. I couldn't tell who it was, but I know it was either Ashton or Michael.

"You can't do this Avery." He says. I turn around, of course it's Ashton.

"You can't do what?" I'm so confused right now.


"I'm sorry Ash. I am. But you know him and I are together. You had your chance a long time ago, and you missed it. But I know one thing for sure. You will find a girl, she will love you endlessly, she will learn everything about you and still love you, and you will love her too." Did I really just say that? why? do I still have some feelings for him? I couldn't...

"Luke always gets the girl" he mumbles

"No he doesn't, the next time you find a girl, he will already have one, and you won't have to worry. You and him are equal in many ways. It's just, he's been the one from the start." which was really true.

"So you're saying, that if you weren't with Luke, you'd have me?" that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying he might have a chance.

"Maybe. But you'd have to prove yourself. But I am with Luke right now. So you can't change what I feel"

I walk back out to the pool and everyone's gone. Where are they? I hear a scream for help. Oh no. What happened?


Sorry. I had to change the end. I like this version better.

Sorry for not updating for like a million years. I might post another chapter tonight. I dunno.

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