Ben. Chase? My Brother.

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Pov: Maisey

College went really slow. As per usual.

Before I knew it i was on my bed with my headphones in listening to the song i was listening to in P.E. For some strange reason i couldnt stop thinking about Ben. I hated him. He was so up his own bum. He was a flirt and he made me dance with him. But thinking about him his attitude reminded me of someone else. Chase. They were both so a like. But Ben was More chubbier than Chase. Ben had browm hair (which was a mess) blue eyes and his fashion sence was horrible. He wore a v neck cotton jumper with the sleves rolled up with jeans and pumps! Where as Chase wore His football jumper, football joggers and nike trainers. I liked that.

I have been sitting here now for 22 minutes thinking about the both of them. i shook my head. Get a grip woman , i said to myself.

I heard my phone vibrate that was on my lap.

Unknown number.

' Hey cupcake :). Im not stalking you i got your number off a a lad named Chase? He said he knew you ? Hes a nice guy dont you think? we got talking and he said you were having a party saturday? wheres my invite missy? text back cupcake :) x'

oh my god! He's been talking to chase!?

' What did he say? Did he say anything nice about me? when did you speak to him? '

That was a bit over the top..


' why do you like him cupcake :) arr thats cute. Were going to have a game of football tomorrow night at one of his friends. x'

Chases friends? Football? Oh God.......

'What friends?'

i felt panic in my stomach. It couldnt be.


' Daniel or something. Why cupcake ? You wanna come? x '


' Daniel is my brother... guess your coming to mine then? '


'ahhh no way :) see you tomorrow cupcake :P xx'

FUCK SAKE! WHY? WHY ME? I cant see both of them together. The lad i hate and the lad i like . And my brother! There going to talk about me. Oh no. Im going to die. This cant be happening.

' stop calling me cupcake. You piss me off when you say it.'


'nope cupcake. see you in P.E tomorrow ? bye. xx'

i sghed.


i collasped onto my bed. curled up in a ball. i could fell myself becoming anxious. I need a drink. i ran down stairs and got a cup out of the cuboard.

'Hey sis' Daniel said walking towards me.

''Hey Dan, whos coming round tomorrow?''

'' Just a few mates, why?''

'' Just wondering. Is Chase coming? '' I knew the answer, i just wanted to make him mad. He knew i liked Chase, i asked him nearly everyday if he was coming round.

'' Oh my God. Will you just leave him alone. He doesnt like you. End off. And Yes he is coming with a friend. Were having a game of footy then going upstairs to play fifa. is that ok maisey?'' He barked.

I smirked knowing he was mad at me. '' OK'' I said walking down the hallway.


''yeah'' I said turning back to my brother.

'' Happy Birthday'' He handed me an envelope.

'' Oh Daniel. You didnt have to.'' He got me a £30 voucher for New Look.

''Its ok, and by the way. Chase texted me before telling me to tell you happy birthday'' Daniel turned his face when saying it.

'' tell him thanks'' I said walking down the hallway for the second time. I could feel my heart racing. He did remember.


'Hey cupcake. Just been chatting to Chase on the phone he mentioned it was your birthday today? sorry i didnt know otherwise... well i dont no actually. Ive got a suprise for you tomorrow anyway. xx'

i just looked at the text then put my phone back in my pocket. I didnt care what he thought. I cared what Chase thought.

Mum got home soon after Ben texted me. We had a chinese and watched a movie then i went to bed. I had an ok birthday, it would have been better if i'd never met Ben though.

I looked back at the last text Ben texted me... A suprise?

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