Im So In Love.

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Pov: Maisey

I woke up in my aunts spare bedroom. I was snuggled under the quilt, it was too cold to get out yet so I stayed in bed for another 5 minutes trying to remember what happened last night. I remember having an argument with the guy I've liked forever because he asked me out. Why didn't I say yes? Oh yes. Because I have feelings for Ben. Buut he's leaving so should it matter if I liked him? I shouldn't like him if he's leaving , I should have said yes to Chase. But he's never going to talk to me again.

I turned on my side to face the wall when I saw a lump under the quilt next to me. Who the fuck is that? I heard a grown from under the quilt then a head popped out and placed their head on the pillow.

Oh my god... its Ben.

What the fuck did really happen last night. I turned to look at the floor. I saw T sprawled out across the airbed with her leg over a boy, I didn't no who he was. I don't even think he goes to our collage. There was a couple more people on the floor too. I couldn't see who they were because they looked such a mess. Plus, I had a banging headache which didn't make the matter better.

"Hey.." a crockey voice said from behind me.

"what the fuck happened last night?"

"I don't no cupcake ." Ben lifted his head then his head collapsed under his pillow. I snuggled up under the quilt more and my head was facing were he was.

" Did we.. do .. anything last night?" I asked the pillow. Ben put his head on top of the pillow and looked in my eyes.

"The only thing that we did together was me holding your bag and phone next to the toilet whilst you were being sick." He let out a crockey laugh.

"Oh.." I still glared at him. "How did we end up in a bed together?"

"You asked me to sleep with you incase you were sick again"

"Oh.." His body shuffled towards mine , next thing i knew his body was pressed against mine .

"Why didn't you say yes to Chase?" Ben looked at me dead in the eyes.

" Because..." I thought, and thought, and thought. I couldn't say because I like you. " Because I'm not ready for a relationship..."

"Thats not what you were telling me last night.." Ben chuckled and closed his eyes. His bare toes touched my legs. I put my leg on top of his. He didn't have any pants on.

"Why don't you have any clothes on?" He shuffled his legs closer to mine.

"You were sick on them. You haven't got any clothes on either you know?"

"Oh god sorry. Oh my god I've only got my underwear on!"

Ben chuckled. "You look better with no clothes on cupcake."

"Oh Ben shut up." I didn't move , I felt comfortable naked next to him.

It was silence for 10 minutes. We both had our eyes closed. I wanted to kiss him. How would I do it? But I have a sicky breath? I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth. Sorted my hair out and removed the surged makeup from my face and ran back into bed. It was so cold.

Ben shuffled back next to me and lifted his leg on mine. I poked him in the belly and I laughed. He opened his eyes and looked in mine. He smiled. My heart skipped a beat. His smile was so perfect. It was so natural. I loved it.

"You want to kiss me , don't you?" He smiled again, only this time it was a tired smile.


His eyes widened. Then he grined. He put his hand on my neck and his lips came closer. I closed my eyes. He pressed his lips against mine. His lips were dry but soft at the same time. Fireworks set off in my belly. His hand went round the back off my neck pushing my lips onto his more. I couldn't believe it. A boy I've only known for less than a week and were all ready naked kissing in bed. His lips left mine. Then he came back and gave me a small kiss on the lips. He smiled as we were looking into each others eyes. He was perfect. Nothing like Chase. The opposite to Chase. I thought they were similar; but there not. Ben's romantic. I loved that about him. Then words slipped out of my mouth that weren't meant to come out.

"I love you, Ben."


More silence.

Silence. I was so embarrassed.

"Maisey.. look at me." I looked up at him. "Maisey... I love you more than anything. I have since I first saw you. But I can't love you." My heart dropped. I remembered he was leaving.

He laughed.

Why was he laughting?

" I'm staying.... I was talking to my mum yesterday and she asked me if what we have together is chemistry or just a crush.. of course I said chemistry and she said fine were staying. Nothing more said. She went out with a guy for lunch yesterday, he seems cool. She's happy. Even though her and my dad only broke up like a day ago. She's happy and that's all that matters right?"

"Of course." I smiled, then we kissed again before getting up and standing on people walking to the door. We put on the clothes that my aunt must have put on the window sill for us last night.

Ben grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him. "will you be my girlfriend Maisey?"

He knew what the answer was I just told him I loved him!

" WHAT DO YOU THINK!" I shouted.

He kissed my cheek. Then touched my necklace. Then looked at it.

"God. Im so in love with you Maisey."

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