The News

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Alex's point of view

After me and Phil stop splashing each other I see Felix putting down my phone. I get out of the pool quickly and rush up to him." Hey Felix, did Dan call?" He looks at me and says" No. I just wanted to play on your phone but my hands are wet." I did an oh face and dried off. I was tired and we had to go back to Manchester tomorrow so I wanted to be well rested. I told Phil and he was tired too. We told Marzia and Felix bye and walked up to the hotel room. I got into one of Phil's shirts and got into bed. I put on Adventure Time and cuddled into the covers. Phil came in and watched it with me too. I fell asleep on the second episode." Alex....Allex....ALEX!" I got up quickly and saw Dan looking over me." You lazy ass bitch, you always sleep on your ass and act like a little cunt." I looked at him." Dan I-I'm sorry but how did I g-get here?" I fell off a chair?" Alex wake up!" I woke up and saw Phil's kind face staring at me." Alex are you okay?!" I nodded. I didn't want to tell Phil about the text. I thought I would ruin him and Dans friendship." Where's breakfast?" I asked." Alex we have to pack. Get your clothes and we will get breakfast real quick. After that we have to go to the airport. We're going back to, never mind lets just pack and go." I got up brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed, and went downstairs with Phil to breakfast. I got cereal this time and Phil just got coffee and pancakes again." Alex, can you be honest with me?" Phil asked. I nodded." Do you have feelings for Dan?" I acted disgusted and laughed." No, why?" He shrugged." I don't know." We threw away our plates and went back upstairs to our hotel room and got our bags and got a taxi. Wow lots of gots in there. When we arrived at the airport we waited until we had to get on the plane. ~*~*~Timeskip~*~*~

When we arrived back at their flat- wait no phlat, Phil unpacked and didn't talk to Dan. I wanted to talk to Dan about this. I went to his room only to run into him on my way there." Hey Alex. Do you mind talking to me in private?" I nodded. We walked into his bedroom and I sat down on his bed. I was worried.

Dans point of view

I went out of the room to get Phil. We both had to tell her." Phil I know you hate me but we have to tell Alex about London. We're leaving in a few days and it would make since to tell her now." " Dan are you sure we should tell her now?" I told him yes and we went back into my room to see her looking upset." Alex I love you and sorry we have to do this." Phil told her. She looked worried now." Alex we're moving to London." She came up to us about to give us a hug but she ran out the door." Alex!!" Phil ran after her but when she ran out the door. He had to get his jacket on. He went out the door. Great, Alex hates me now.

Alex's point of view

I ran really fast crying. Once I was far away from their flat i started walking. A girl around 13 years old ran into me. I stopped her." Hey what's wrong." She looked sad and pulled me into the coffee shop next to us. Once she closed the door she looked relived when she saw a man running past the shop." Sweetie are you all right.?" She looked over at me and smiled." Your Alex from YouTube." I smiled." The one and only." I got us a table and sat her down. I ordered her a coffee and me a tea. Once our drinks were ready I brung it to our table and set them down. I took a sip and asked her " Why were you running down the busy streets of Manchester?" She chuckled but then turned a little serious." T-There was this man who wanted t-to kidnap me." I looked worried and told her I'm sorry." Why were you on the streets crying?" She asked me." Oh um well if you know that me and Phil are dating and such well their moving to London and leaving me here in Manchester." I started to tear up again." Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." " Oh it's fine. Sorry for asking but what's your name?" I asked her." It's Karsyn ( it's like Carson but spelled differently)." " Well that's a beautiful name." She told me thanks." I hope you don't mind me asking but where are you parents?" She looked at me and said" My parents died in a car accident. My grandparents were taking care of me but the man who was chasing me killed them." I felt bad for asking." Oh my I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so SO sorry for asking." She looked down." It's fine." I felt bad and asked her " I know this is strange for me to ask but would you want to stay at my place until the police sort it out." She looked up with sparkles in her eyes and said " I would love to, but I haven't called 999 yet." I told her that it was fine and that I would call them at my flat. She nodded and we took a taxi over to her grandparents house and she gathered her clothes and electronics real quick and we went to my flat. We entered and she looked happy." I can't believe I'm staying here." I laughed." I'm thinking about ordering pizza do you want any?" She nodded and told me pepperoni. I thought that was fine and also ordered a veggie one. We were watching Death Note when I heard a knock on my door. I went to get the pizza but instead I saw Phil." Alex look we need to-" he looked past me and saw Karsyn." Alex is that you're sister. I thought she was older." I rolled my eyes and said " No it's a girl who needs help and is staying here until further notice. Thanks for visiting bye." I tried to close the door but he kept it open." Alex, I came here break up with you."

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