The Day of the Meme Lord

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Alex's point of view


1 week later


I woke up next to Phil. It's still dark. I check my phone. 6:00am. Too early but who gives a damn. I get up and take a long shower. I need to look good and smell good for this special day. I then go shopping for a gift. I have 50 pounds, I'm going to get him a new laptop. Phil accidentally spilled water on his old one and it wouldn't turn back on. Nice going Phil. I find this one. Looks nice, shiny, and slim. Perfect! I look at the price, 30! It looks like a billion, but I'll take it. I also get a gift for Phil just in case he forgot his. Then i get the baking supplies for pancakes and cake. I make my way back.

I get into the flat to see Phil sitting down watching TV." Hello love!" He says, standing up and giving me a kiss." Hey, i have everything for this special day." I say putting the bags on the counter. He looks at me. I roll my eyes." You forgot?!" I whisper yell, not wanting Dan to wake up. He laughs." No, i just wanted to fool with you. Of course i know it's Dan's birthday." He says. I smile." Lets make pancakes!" I say taking the stuff for the pancakes out." Okay, when we're done, you go wake up Dan." I nod." Wait! Let me get my camera!" I say running to Phil's room. We already told the fans we got back together. Most were happy and the phan shippers were not pleased. I got my camera and set it up on the counter and then started it." Hello everyone! Today I'm here with my beautiful boyfriend, Phil!" I say. He smiles." So today is Dan's birthday and we are going to make pancakes!" I say." But they have sprinkles in them." Phil says. What?" We are?" i ask him. He nods and smirks." Okay so first!"

We then end the video with our successful pancakes with sprinkles in them." Phil set the table, i will wake up Dan." I tell him, going to Dan's room. I open the door to see him on his phone playing a game." Hey, could we talk. I think I'm pregnant." I tell him. His eyes widen and he follows me to the kitchen where he sees the pancakes and looks at me." HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!" Me and Phil yell at the same time. He looks at us and smiles. He then gives me a hug." Thank god i thought you were actually pregnant!" He says. Phil looks at us confused." I'll explain later." Dan says. We all then go to the table and eat.

Once we're done eating, we go for a walk through the park." It's a beautiful day, isn't it Alex?" Phil asks, holding my hand. Dan looks at our hands and rolls his eyes. I then tackle Dan for no reason, just boredom." Bloody hell Alex!" He says, pushing me off and brushing himself off. He reaches out to help me up and i accept. We then stop when we find a lake." Wanna swim?" I ask them." We don't have swimsuits." Phil says." You guys can just take off your shirts duh, i will swim in my shirt and shorts." I say, jumping in the lake." WOOO!" I cheer. They chuckle and take off their shirts and jump in with me. We all splash each other. I go under the water behind Dan and Phil." Where did she go?" Dan asks. I then grab their feet and drag the to the shore." Ah Alex! Stop!" Phil says while i laugh." That was an interesting ride Alex...." Dan says." Thanks." I say laughing. We dry off. We start heading home and i check the time. 7:00pm. Wow really? It was 9:00am seconds ago! We get back home and i tell Phil to play video games with Dan while i bake the cake.

I put the candles on the cake. There. I wrap all nine, yes nine, presents and put them next to the cake on the counter." Dan! Phil!" I call for them. I turn off all the lights and light the candles. The candles look beautiful, illuminating the room. They walk in and Dan looks around, admiring the room. Me and Phil begin to sing.

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Dan,

Happy Birthday to you!

At the end i add." You look like a monkey and you smell like one too!" He smiles." Thank you guys." He says, hugging us." Open your presents! Then we'll have cake." Phil says. He gets the laptop first." To Dan, from Alex. Quite a weird shape." He says, opening it. He eyes were wide." Thank you so much! I needed this after Phil!" He says. We hug. He opens the rest of the gifts, we eat cake, watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, then go to sleep. Today was the special day for the meme lord. All hail the meme lord! XD


Hey guys! This was Dan's birthday special. Oh my god my period is hitting me like a bitch! TMI? Oh well, anyways for the 25th chapter of this book i will do 10 facts about me and answer a question from 3 of you guys. It can be personal but not toooooo personal. Anyways bye guys, love you! Also comment on Dan's latest video All Hail the Meme Lord if you have GUTS! Bye luv u all! <3

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