You Heard..?

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"Luna, its alright" I wiped my eyes, its been at least 2 hours since that whole..situation. "Just go get ready, were training today" I still feel like crap, my head hurt like hell. I need a shower. I walked straight into the bathroom and stripped down, as I pulled my pants down I felt pain. I looked at my inner thighs and saw bruises and a few scratches "Wow.." Why didn't I see these before? I groaned internally and looked in the mirror, my eyes were blood shot and I was as pale as a ghost. I look like a Zombie, when I got in the shower the warm water calmed me a little. Still couldn't get over what happened today, but I'd have to. He's my coworker. And, for right now, my mentor. I'll be spending more time with him than I would like to, but he's the only way I can reach my dream...I closed my eyes and just let the water wash over me "Luna!" I forced my eyes open and realized that I had been in here for a while "I'm coming out! Hold on" I dried off and got out "Sorry" she grinned at me
"Luna!" Colby called me over "Hey! How are you?" I haven't talked to Colby since his little stunt at the dinner "Good" he pulled me into him and I hugged back "You ready to train?" "I guess" I followed him over to the ring, Dean was there doing push ups in the middle of the ring. I saw Lexi starring " Let's go" "Where is Joe? " Jon shrugged and winked at Lexi "Hey" he smirked at her. she smiled "Hey" She walked over and slid into the ring "So, when do we start?" She asked Colby "Whenever you're ready" he spoke to Lexi "Wait, am I going against Jon!?" She panicked "Yup" she looked at me for help "You can do it" I mouthed to her. Just as their training started Colby dragged me to the weight room, I raised my eyebrows "Yes?" "The stunt I pulled at the dinner..." I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to finish "I'm sorry. I just- I really like you. And to see you and Joe together like that-" "There's nothing going on between us, nothing ever will" that was a partial lie, I'd just had a one night stand with him...I pushed that thought to the back of my head as he continued "Alright. Then, will you go on a date with me Luna" I smiled at him "Yeah" he got down to my level and hugged me, over his shoulder I saw Joe just leaving. Shit "Alright, you ready?" I nodded at him not taking my eyes off the door, how long had he been there? I looked around for him and found him talking to Bayley, Jon and Lexi were still in the ring. Lexi was straddling him, I picked up a folded towel and threw it at her. It hit her in the head and she glared at me, I jerked my head towards to girls bathroom. She quickly rolled off, I got there before she did "What?" "Okay, so Colby just asked me out" she raised her eyebrows and smiled "Awww" "And Joe heard, and saw me hug him" her face fell into a frown "Aww" she crossed her arms over her chest "So what are you gonna do?" I thought for a moment. What should I do? Talk to Joe about it, or just go on the date? I ran my hand through my hair

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