Again, a pre warning. This chapter follows along the same lines as chp 2, so just be warned.
Time was strange in this place. It passed both quickly and slowly, until I completely lost track of what day of the week it was, let alone what the date or month was. We were allowed out in the garden once a day for about five minutes, sometimes more, and he let us have a shower and wash our hair once a week. Other than those times, we were shut in our rooms, with no contact with the other girls. Men came and went, and all had hard hearts, and even harder fists. I learnt to pull shutters over my eyes, to hide my feelings, and how to make them happy so that they would hurt me less. I knew, also, that if they complained to my kidnapper, he would punish me. However, this method didn’t always work. Sometimes, I couldn’t help myself, and struggled to get free, sometimes inadvertently kneeing the customer somewhere it really hurt. On those occasions, I was lucky enough to receive two beatings, one from the customer, and one from my kidnapper. Always, the second one was worse. He knew how to inflict pain, and how to draw out the punishment until I was wishing for it to be over, or to even start so it would be over.
One time, after I’d been left alone for quite some time, I was surprised to hear my door open. I watched it, not moving from the bed, knowing that the best spot for me to be in for my kidnapper was sitting on the bed, hugging my knees. For some reason, the men who paid for me liked this sight. A man was shown in, and the door closed behind him with the customary click of the lock. I waited for him to get on with it, but to my surprise, he just stood there, watching me. I dipped my head slightly.
“Sir?” My voice was hoarse with disuse, but I took no notice. I wanted to be left alone, and was going to do all I could to get him to hurry up. It didn’t work. He stayed where he was, gazing at me, until I went red, and looked away. The movement seemed to break his trance, and he came forward, shedding his shoes as he did. Recognising the motions, I lay back on the bed, waiting for him. His hands went to the button on his jeans, and then paused. I looked at him, not knowing what he was doing.
“You’re a pretty one,” he said finally, softly.
I lowered my eyes, not sure what to say. I doubted it, after what I’d been through. He didn’t say anything else after that. Moving unhurriedly, he pulled his jeans off, and straddled me. He nudged my legs apart, and was about to enter me, when he happened to notice my shaking. I couldn’t help it. After all I’d been through, I just shook whenever I was with a man – it was nothing I could control.
Looking concerned, he brushed his fingers down my cheek, and I tensed. That made him frown, and I quickly lowered my gaze, fearing what he would do.
“You’re scared.”
I bit my lip. He was right, but it wasn’t of him in particular. It was just men in general.
“Answer me.”
Still, I hesitated, and then slowly nodded. “Yes,” I whispered.
“Why? Is it your first time?”
Astonished, I stared at him, and then snorted. “No. How could it be?”
“Then why are you scared?”
I shook my head, unable to explain myself. “You wouldn’t understand,” I muttered.
“Hm.” He stayed silent after that, and got what he’d paid to get.
To my utter surprise, he didn’t bind my wrists to the bed, and his hands were gentle. Unable to help myself, I touched his face, feeling the rasp of stubble on his jaw. His hands slid up under my shirt, and I stiffened slightly, unable to forget all the other times. His hands stayed gentle, though, and I slowly relaxed.

Every Breath She Takes [CURRENTLY ON HOLD]
Mystère / ThrillerTales are told of the dark, where the snow lies deep in the streets, and all sounds are muffled. These tales are told around a kitchen table, where once they may have been told around the hearth fire; told to scare young children, to keep them from...