Chapter 6

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The next morning Sage walked to her sister's room, worried about her. Even though their parents were angry with her, they were worried too.

She knocked softly on her door, "Sara? Are you okay?"

The door swung open to reveal one angry looking Jason.

"She's fine. Fuck off."

Sage glared at him, she quickly grabbed him by the jaw and dug her nails into his flesh.

"Why don't you fuck off instead? I'm going to go in and speak to my sister while you get your sorry ass out of here." She snarled.

She shoved him aside and made her way into the room, not caring about the fuming wolf behind her. She frowned when she saw some blood on the sheets and a few drops on the floor. She followed them to the bathroom where she found Sara sitting in the corner of the shower.

She frowned and walked forward, "Sara?"

Her sister immediately jumped up, "What the hell Sage?"

"Sorry, it's just...uh...did you guys..."

"Yes, we mated last night. It's pretty obvious. Now, leave." Jason cut in.

Sage sighed, "Jason, shut up for once. You're not the king here."

Sara gulped, "I-I'll talk to you later. I'm just going to shower th-that's all."

Sage nodded slowly, she looked down to see some blood running down her sister's leg. She then looked towards Jason to see him glaring at Sara.


She walked out into the room, followed by Jason. Before she left she spun around and glared at him.

"If I find out you're hurting my sister I'm going to kill you. She shouldn't be bleeding that much after sex unless it was forced." She threatened.

Jason scoffed at her, "She has her period."

"We don't get periods, dumbass."

An hour later Sara walked into the family room, her eyes showing her pain. She quickly sat down and curled up on the end of the couch again. This time, Rosalie and Dimitri were with them. Both of them watched her, frowning at her sudden change.

"Sara, honey, are you feeling okay?" Rosalie asked.

"Yeah, just tired." Sara mumbled.

Rosalie got up and went to feel her head when Sara flinched. Sage looked towards her dad.

"Something is wrong. And I think I know what." She mind-linked him.

"What?" Dimitri asked.

"Jason raped her, I think."

"Sage...if you want me to kill him, I'll need a confession from either him or your sister. I'll have hell from the council if I don't."

"So, you think he did?"

"I don't know, but if he did, I can't wait to kill him."

A/N: you can see, Sage is very observant and smart. But it'll take time....

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