Chapter 9

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Sara sighed as she walked outside where the guard was training. Jason winked at her, she forced a smile before sitting down. She zoned out for a while until someone sat beside her. She blinked and looked over to see a handsome boy smiling at her.

"Uh, hi?" Sara asked.

He grinned, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"You better tell him to leave." Jason growled through their mind-link.

Sara swallowed, "Watching my mate train."

The boy chuckled, "I can see that. Why don't we hang out some time? He clearly isn't giving you enough attention."

Trust me, he gives me more than enough attention. She thought bitterly.

"You may want to try shutting off the connection next time." Jason growled.

Sara stiffened and looked at him, his eyes were completely black, she couldn't even see the whites of them. Her eyes widened before she quickly looked at the boy.

"Sorry, can't." She rushed out before running inside.

She sprinted up to her room, but Jason was already there. She almost screamed as she turned to run somewhere else, but he grabbed her by the wrist. She quickly kicked him in the balls and ran for the stairs.

"You bitch!" He snarled.

She cried out as he grabbed her by the hair, causing her to stumble. He smirked and let go, allowing her to fall down the many stairs. When she reached the bottom her ankle was throbbing. She attempted to stand up, but couldn't put even the lightest weight on it.

"Good thing no one is home." Jason growled as he grabbed her and threw her into the medal railing.

Sara gasped at the sharp pain that traveled through her back. She yelped when something sharp was shoved into her abdomen. She looked down to see one of his claws shoved into her stomach.

"I was nice to you last night! You ungrateful whore!" He sneered.

Sara had tears running down her face, "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it!"

"Not for you."

Sara and Jason both looked over to see Dimitri standing there, his arms folded across his chest.

"Let go of my daughter before I fucking rip your hand off. Piece by piece." He growled.

Jason narrowed his eyes, but released Sara. Not before causing a little damage. Dimitri quickly grabbed him by the throat and smirked.

"Oh, I'm going to have fun torturing you. Maybe I can turn it into a know..for my amusement." Dimitri chuckled.

Sara groaned as she attempted to climb to her feet, but her ankle still wasn't strong enough. Dimitri frowned at his daughter, worry squeezing his heart.


Sara watched as her sister barged into the house, her eyes widening when she saw Sara's blood soaked shirt.

"Take this piece of shit to the dungeon." Dimitri ordered.

Sage nodded and immediately grabbed Jason by his hair. She smirked at him.

"Should have been more careful." She sneered.

Dimitri rushed over to his daughter, he gently picked her up and carried her to the infirmary.

Sara frowned, "I-I thought you hated me?"

Dimitri furrowed his eyebrows, "I could never hate my own daughter. Ever."

Sara relaxed as he placed her on the gurney, telling the doctor what had happened. Before she blacked out she could see Rosalie rushing in. Both of her parents' eyes filled with worry.

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