Scarlett claw-creepypasta oc.

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Name: Lyllith Erie Johnson/Scarlett claw
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Other: She has BPD, is trained in martial arts, likes kids, and candy.
Creator: dovakin661
Story: She was born to the Shi clan, but was abandoned as a baby and placed in an orphanage. She was adopted when she was seven and her life ran smoothly, and she absolutely adored her little brother, Trevor. When she was 14, her were murdered in front of her and Trevor.
They hid an a closet, and survived. She took care of her little brother for two years. When she was sixteen, Trevor got extremely ill, and she took him to a hospital, were they denied him treatment because she didn't have money. She was furious, she had to make the doctor treat her brother, she kept saying to herself until some nurses found her and tranquilized her, but she fought back. She was very close to a scapel and killed the nurses. Rage turned to insanity, and she killed everyone in the hospital. She ran home, cut her hair, got her father's prized gauntlets, and called herself Scarlett. She burned down the house to fake her death, She killed and killed until she got surrounded by cops. One of them shot her and the bullet grazed her heart, causing it to bleed. When she was blacking out, she saw Slender man, and every single cop was dead. She woke up with no memory of who she was, and only remembered the nickname she gave herself. Slender man walked up to her, and said he wanted her as a proxy. She obliged, only because she was confused. She was happy with being a proxy, until a mission where her and the proxies had to kill a boy a who resembled Trevor. All the memories flooded back to her. When she got back to him, she she attacked him and just barely escaped with her life.

Commentary: Ok, first things first; (I'm the realist) I searched up "Shi clan" and all that popped up was some fantasy series. What's up with that? Also, how'd she kill a entire hospital full of doctors and nurses who are experienced with rowdy patients who try to harm them? Who never mentioned how she killed them. Plus, they'd probably call authorities and get them back into adoption.
But, as I've picked up, this is a pretty ghetto hospital. (jk XD)
Also, why did she even bother faking her death? Nobody noticed when her parents were murdered. I wonder where she lives? Must be a rough town. 0_0 Also, INTERACTION WITH OTHER
CANON CPS ALERT WEE WOO WEE WOO CALL THE OC POLICEEEEE. Jk, jk. Lastly, why'd her brother choose the nickname Scarlett?

Mary sue level: 14% Mary sue.
She's all clear!

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