Geneva Lund-Non fandom OC

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Original story; no fandom

Name: Geneva Lund



Species: Human

Personality: clever, can be borderline rude if she wants to be( and sometimes when she doesn't), smart, an old soul, logical and depressive. When alone, though, she lets herself slip into a naive dreamer state, to escape her reality.

Appearance: dark green eyes, long red hair, slightly above average height, slightly gaunt.

Biography: Geneva was born very lucky, and very unlucky. Both parents had high paying jobs, but we're constantly away with work, and over stressed. Both started unhealthy drinking habits. This caused her to be mostly neglected as a child, and watching her parents constantly bicker and abuse each other back and forth, she took it in as normal. Through school she allowed herself to be abused by different friends, slowly causing her to close in on herself. She would often fall into herself, using her imagination. To escape her human pain. Going into highschool, she was heavily effected by depression, anxiety, and a growing eating disorder, but met new people. Different people, unlike anyone she had gone to school with before. They were nice, and not obsessed with their reputation, their families reputation. She felt that she had met people who actually could care for her. But, as she was new, she was still an outsider. Even after two years of spending time with this new group, she still withdrew, paranoia set in and she recessed. But now she has to face them with a new year, and face new challenges.
Commentary: wow....Nice oc! She's a normal but not uninteresting oc! I love how she has normal problems instead of supernatural or magical problems. You got creative with the name!

Mary sue level: 0% Mary sue.

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