Kumari Aiken- non fandom oc.

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Real Name: Kumari Aiken
Alias: just 'Artemis'
Story: Was born into a medieval royal family, but ran away in favor of becoming a criminal. She is now twenty-one, and has escaped jail on two occasions
Family: Her mother, Queen Jaya Aiken, was kidnapped, ransomed, and never returned. Her father - Kumari's grandfather - went a bit batty with her disappearance, and locked Kumari in her room almost around the clock so he could distract himself from thinking about the missing queen. Kumari's father was too busy battling with depression to help her, so she ran away and never looked back.
Personality: Bold, confident, and strong-minded. She likes to be in control of situations, and often calculates how she thinks encounters will go through so that she can prepare her actions accordingly. When things throw her off-guard, she panics and becomes very violent. She comes off as cold, detached, and sarcastic, but that's because she's afraid of becoming attached to people who might hurt her. She wants to find someone she can trust completely, but being a criminal has isolated her. She values freedom above everything else.
Appearance: Wavy black hair that never cooperates, fair skin with an uneven tan from her time outdoors, an athletic build, and striking gray-blue eyes. She wears a dark green tank top, black pants, hiking boots, and a black jacket overtop.
Catchphrase: "If you have nothing to die for, then you're not fit to live."
Creator: Happydoggy18
Commentary: Holy...crap.....This oc is awesome. Her name is also cool, what culture is she from? Also, I like how you decided to give her grayish blue eyes and a hair color that occurs with grey eyes. Whether you did that intentionally is none of my business. I'm not sure her outfit is suiting for a medieval era, but it doesn't really effect me.

Mary sue: 0%
Nice oc!

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