My Dream

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Ever since I was small I have wanted to be a hero, why?, I don't really know myself, it just suddenly came to me, to be a hero, to fight for what is right. But during the passing of time I have realized it is s a childish dream, useless, but I still hold on to it this dream, I can't let go, It's as if I was born to be a hero, born to go down this path, I know this sounds stupid, but... I really feel like thats the case.

My mom has always been an inspiration for me, she has taught me so much, and she is probably the reason I wanted to be a hero in the first place mixed with other child like thoughts. Before I was even born, my mother already had a weak body, my birth was practically a miracle given I was given birth by a women who could barley stand up, but she actually gave birth, she gave birth to me. But this actually affected her a lot, she could barley maintain herself, so I dedicated myself to taking care of her, her weak body, and every time I helped her, on anything even on the most basic of things, the feeling I got from helping her was just... Magnificent.

That's probably when I first started to develop this dream, the dream of being a hero. My mother always used to tell me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, I mean what mother hasn't asked their to their son? She always had a big smile when she asked me, and I always replied with a "I want to be a hero of justice!!", or something like that... funny isn't it, how can such a childish dream still be holding on to me, no, wait, how am "I" still holding on to "it", like I said, I can't let go.

The first time she asked me was when I was barely 3 years old, and now I'm 16. Wow, I've been holding on to the same dream for 13 whole years, I still find this dream childish and unnecessary but... I don't want to let it go, even if I never become a hero, I won't let go of this dream, since... "Its the only memory I have left from my mother.

She passed away 8 years ago from a car crash, well she died before the crash. While she was driving her heart stopped, I was in the car with her, horrible, seeing your mom suddenly collapse in front of you, I didn't know what to do at that time, I was just 8 years old, of course I didn't know what to do, I tried to wake her up, but... nothing, I was crying nonstop still trying to wake her up, the fear that filled me completely is a feeling I will never forget, I even felt guilty for not being able to help my mother in this situation, I suddenly stopped trying, I gave up, the car kept moving, until we crashed with a car right in front of us. I came out with a huge wound in my back, bleeding profusely, and it hurt like hell, I still have a scar, but this was nothing compared to what happened to my mother, just seeing her, almost made me vomit.

After the accident, I was sent to an orphanage since I didn't have anywhere else to go, I was alone, there wasn't any family member to take me in, and I never even knew my father, he wasn't even present on the day of my birth nor at my mother's funeral. He is nowhere to be found.

So I lived in the orphanage, it wasn't bad, putting aside the tragic accident that happened to me, I didn't forget her, not at all, I lived on for her, I bet she wouldn't want me crying on a corner mourning her death, of course I cried a lot, but I promised myself that I would help anyone in need since I was useless when the accident happened. I think this was the time when I really wanted to be a hero, for real. I didn't want to feel anything like that ever again, neither did I want anyone to feel like that, and don't get me wrong, I still feel the same way, but still aspiring to be a hero seems so childish.

Right now, I'm a normal dude that goes to high school, Sanji Town High School to be precise, Im a second year, It's quite nice here, I have plenty of friends and I always have a good time, and I don't live in the orphanage anymore, I got adopted when I was 10, and thank god it's a nice family, I wouldn't want to live with a pair of assholes for parents. It's a real nice family, they supported me a bunch you wouldn't imagine. My new parents are great people, Alexander Green is my dad, Emma Baker is my mother, and my two sisters are fun to be around with, Ashley and Mary are my sisters. Actually I couldn't have asked for a better family.

Oh silly me, I didn't even introduce myself, well, My name is Rever Harrison, "Rever", thats the name my mother gave me, I think it was french or something, and I guess I'm not Harrison anymore, Im now Rever Green Baker, Dam thats a weird  name to say, but I guess ill get used to it eventually. And now lets go deeper into my daily life....   

*Hey you guys! If you're reading this it probably means you already read whats above, Right?, yeah I bet you did, and I bet you loved it, of course, who wouldn't. Anyway Ill be posting every Sunday, yeah I know I posted this on a Tuesday, every other update is coming ip on a Sunday. Well see you guys later, Bye Bye!!!*

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