Chapter 9

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I don't know if everything I've been listening to is true, but, is there anything else to believe? There isn't much i know about my own past, so all I can do is believe what Adam is saying, there is nothing else to believe...

"What does me living on a lie have to do with anything?"

"From what I can tell from this conversation we are having is that you know nothing of your past"

"I do know some of it... sure it's kind of blurry, but I still remember me living with my mother"

"No" he kind of looked mad, more disappointed than mad, a little bit of both actually, "You really  don't know anything about what has been happening around you. You are just being an ignorant, but what can I say, I don't expect you to remember after meeting him..."

He dosen't expect me to remember? What does that even mean? I have to know more about all of this, I'm still kind of confused about all this, heck, i'm even afraid about whats's about to happen, but... I can't back away now, not after learning so much...

"Yeah, I am a god dam ignorant, so much that it even annoys me... I hate it... not knowing anything that happens to me and the ones around me... So tell me... who are you? who is Scarlett ? what is that humanoid black figure? Why am I involved in this?... Who am I?" Adams's gaze intensified, as if he was waiting for me to ask that, as if he wanted me to know everything,

"Rever... Before I answer your questions, I need you to answer mine." 

"Umm... OK..."

"By any chance... have you ever met a man that calls himself Charlie" 

My eyes widened the moment I heard that name, of course I know of him, he was the man I met in my dream.

"Dose't matter where, I just want to know if you remember this name"

"I-" head suddenly started to throb like crazy almost felt like my brain was going to explode and the back of my throat started to burn real bad. What is happening? It's like my body is trying to stop me from saying that name... but why? " No... I've never heard it" dam it, why... why couldn't I say his name,

"Good, I won't be able to tell you everything because of the little time we have left but I will give you a brief part about what is happening" I don't know if I was ready to take it all in, but I have to know, I just have to,

"Rever, we don't live in a world you would call normal, I am not someone you would call human and neither are you. Now, I don't want you freaking out, you and I are not normal human beings, you may be a little closer to being human than I, but you are still far from it. I called you here for different reasons, one of them was to tell you that you are not human, the other was so that I could tell you why it is important to know why you are not human, and it's because I need you as an ally, as someone that could fight besides me"

Fight!! Fight what?, why in the world do I need to fight, and then telling me that I am not human, what is it with this guy? "Fight what exactly?"

"A god"

"You got to be kidding me, How in the world do we just Fight a god"

"It may sound absurd, but it is possible to fight a god, and killing one is possible as well, at least for us"

"When you mean us... Who exactly do you mean"

"The non humans, and it could be a whole variety of individuals, half demons, Demi-Gods, Heroic Warriors from the past and us... Chapters"


"Yes, the name I mentioned earlier, Charlie, is the name of a being that is not a human, nor a demon, nor a god, nor an anything, he is a being that is unknown to this world, a being from a completely different dimension, but he is the being that possesses the most danger to all of us and he is also the one that created us Chapters, he created us from a book he himself wrote known as The Butterfly Book, a very weird name if you ask me but it actually has a lot of meaning behind it. We Chapters are basically literal chapters from this so called Butterfly Book who posses immense power, power that could easily kill a god. He is not a fiscal being, we can't see him, he dose not have a body of his own, he needs a vessel where he can walk around freely and it seems he has finally found the perfect one, and it won't be long till he frees the Butterfly Book to this world so that it could wreak havoc... That is why I need you, Rever."

I don't get it, I just don't get it, Demons? Gods?, 

"I can't, I really can't, why me? I don't know anything, all I wanted to know is what has been happening to me recently, I just wanted to know what happened between mom and you, I just wanted to know the reason why you left me, I just wanted to know if you wanted to live a normal life with me like I did with mom...but now... your asking me to fight gods, I don't even know how to fight, I'm not your typical anime protagonist that just accepts things just like that and starts fighting hundreds of villains to save the planet, i'm not strong"

"It doesn't matter, I'll teach you how to fight"

"But you already said we don't have enough time, I doubt we have the time to train"

"That may be true but-"

"No!!! I don't want to hear anything else... can... can I just leave..."

"I'm afraid I can't let you go Rever"

"I want to go back home"

"You can't"

"I want to live a normal life..."

"But you are not normal"

"Who cares!!!" tears started filling up in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks, I just didn't want anything to do with this,

"A hero... That's your dream...Right?"


"Humanity is at stake here ... and you are just going to ignore it? I really thought my son was a lot better than this..."

"Then... You really are an Ignorant " I start walking towards the door and reach towards the door knob, I waited a little to see if he said anything, but he didn't, he just stood there looking at the ground with complete failure in his face, I finally turned the knob and walked out. Nothing, he just let me go like that,

"Guess this is goodbye... Father..." I whispered to myself,

"Some hero you are"

A voice that sounded so familiar came from behind my back, it was Scarlett,

"You really are an asshole, you could have at least herd him out"

"I already heard plenty..."

"You should look at you're face, you look pathetic"

I didn't even turn to face her, so I just started walking home. I know I looked pathetic, I knew I was never going to be the hero I always wanted to be, I know I'm just a lame loser... I just wanted to forgive dad... I wanted to start over with my father... but guess that will never happen. I reach to my pocket to grab my phone and i checked the time and it was already 12:47. Now that I met him, my father, he just brought me all the way over here just so that he could use me as a tool, I can't accept that, how can I, I Just...I just...

"You just did the right thing" my whole body shook in fear after hearing the oddly familiar voice "You did what had to be done, young one"

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