Chapter 2

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Calming, cold, quiet, this is one of the things I like the most about this small town, living a normal life on a normal town, not much people live here, it's close to the shore and I couldn't have asked for a better place to live in.

I live close to my school, well, its actually the only school in this whole town, almost every student goes walking to school since it's such a small town everyone lives close to school, there still aren't much students, but that is not an actual bad thing, because everyone knows everyone and everyone can get along with everyone, this place is so small you can name every single one of the inhabitants of this town, so everyone at school get along pretty well, another thing that I like, is that it's not to crowded, I'm not saying I don't like being around other people, don't think of me of some kind of shut-in that hates the human species, no, not at a all, it just gives me a bit more of liberty, I don't know, I don't know how to express some feelings, but anyway, I like it here, and I couldn't change it for anything.

When I finally get over a high hill on my way to school I could clearly see the ocean, beautiful, I could literally feel it's cold winter breeze hitting my face, while having tasting the saltines of sea water in my mouth, I then turn to see the school which is just some blocks away, the school isn't that big since there aren't many students attending it, it also has this old style feel to it, it's like when you enter it it's as if you travel back in time. And just like the town, it has a very asian style to it, it's mostly made out of wood, it's nothing like your typical modern school, it has a lot of wooden beams which hold the large roof and the walls that are made out of very thin wood, well just imagine you're traditional Japanese house, but just a little bit bigger since it's a school. While staring at the school and the ocean I turn down to see my watch, and I actually got surprised to see it was really early, I'm not the kind of guy that always gets super early to class, I usually get in the nick of time, so, now that I have time to spare I go the rest of the way walking and admiring the view.

When almost to the entrance of the school and seeing all the other students walking to class I hear a loud voice scream behind me with a very child like tone to it and with almost to much energy,

"Hey!!! How's my favorite Hero doing!!!" the voice came from right behind me and before I could turn around I have already felt a hand press into my right shoulder and after I finally turn around I see two big brown eyes staring into mine, they where shining just like the eyes of a little kid, super excited about something,

"Goooood Morning!!! Hero!!!!" the voice screamed once more into my ear ,

"I've told you plenty of times not to call me that, Koda" yes, the voice was from a a very good friend of mine I've known him since I came here to this town,we are practically neighbors. He's leaning against my right shoulder and my eyes meeting his, his light brown eyes sparkled like the ones of a child, and his ginormous bright smile that would never fade away,

"Ohh, come on don't be such a sour puss? Don't you want to be a hero of justice?" said Koda with the same ginormous smile, while he jumps around me,with more energy than a kindergartner,

"Just let him be, or he'll never  shut up" another voice came from my left, but this time it sounded calmer and with a more mature voice, when I turn around I see someone almost as tall as me, 

"But you know he will never shut up even if you sew his lips together" I said while giving out a small laugh, this is another good friend of mine, Elne, he's more of the calm dude that you could actually trust, not like Koda who's the mischievous kind thats always getting on your nerves but he's also a good guy and from there we started walking to class together talking about typical stuff that all students talk about.

Everything seems normal up to now, right, a nice peaceful life on a small town, a town I hold so much memories with, but you never know when something exciting might happen. 

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