We're Off To Find The Warlock...

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Lily's POV

"I need to keep you safe..." Jace was saying to Clary as he grabbed her arm but was sending me a silent message, "I mean you too."

Since when have I been able to silently communicate with Jace. A complete stranger?

"I can get us help!" Simon said earnestly as he grabbed Clary's other arm.

I shook at my head at the mini tug of war game that the boys started and headed back into the church building.

I don't know what happened outside but Jace soon joined me in the confines of the church, Clary and Simon following after him as the former said, "Mundane." And he paused, "We do not have the time!"

I looked ahead of me and saw the shadowhunter institute in all its glory

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I looked ahead of me and saw the shadowhunter institute in all its glory. When I went to walk forward, Simon reached over Jace and grabbed my arm, stopping further movement. He looked at me with a question in his eyes, wondering why I wanted to go further. I didn't answer him, instead I looked beside me, to Jace and nodded my head towards Simon. He sighed and drew a rune onto his arm causing Simon to get even more confused. He then grabbed on to Simon's hand causing Simon to yelp out, "Hey buddy! What's going on? I'm not your type."

As soon as he words left his mouth, I couldn't help but snort in amusement. Because of that, Jace couldn't help but let his lip twitch a bit as well. I knew he wanted to laugh but he has to be the serious shadowhunter otherwise we won't take him seriously! Yeah right.

"...I don't even... What's go– what's ga..." I don't know what Simon was seeing but I ignored it and carried on walking as Simon asked no one in particular, "Where are we?"

Jace and Clary answered his questions as I looked around in wonder at the strangely familiar sight...

Alec's voice broke me out of the day dreaming, "What's going on? Why is there another mundane in the institute?"

Jace sighed as I stepped up to stand beside him and consequently beside Alec and his murderous gaze, "Circle members followed him to get to Lily and Clary..."

The sound of another familiar term caused me to question aloud, "Circle members?" and then I continued, a bit more confidently, "Circle runes just like the guys that took our mother" as I pointed between Clary and I. Once again getting confused, Simon asks, "What exactly is a circle member? And why are they trying to kill us?"

Jace sighed exasperatedly and he and Alec explained who they were and further details about the circle. I rubbed Jace's arm in comfort when he mentioned his dad's death, the news not surprising me at all. He lent into my touch as we exchanged looks of confusion, me asking myself why it seemed so familiar and Jace... I don't know...

"...Coming?" Jace asked Clary as he grabbed my hand as walked past me. Why did he do that? He doesn't seem to know why either. He looked at our joint hands in confusion again but shrugged and went to carry on walking but when he saw Simon intending to follow us, so he stopped the two of them and argued with hen for a while until Izzy said she'd entertain Simon whilst we were busy. I wonder what they'd do... a tour?

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