The Beginning Of The Split

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I was still in shock over the contents of the letter

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I was still in shock over the contents of the letter. I was walking around the institute after waking up the next day, in a daze over what the letter said. I mean... Me? A Princess? Or was it a lady? I have no clue... I need to speak with someone. I need to talk to someone about this...

But who?

Just as I thought that, Izzy's voice coming floating down the corridor, "Mom's in rare form today."

I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so on the way down the corridor, I contemplated whether I should interrupt them or not. "-mental Mom with me." She paused, leaving me with a way to interrupt the conversation.

" She paused, leaving me with a way to interrupt the conversation

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I knocked on the door before Izzy could say anything else. They turned around to see me. "Hey guys. Erm- could I talk to the two of you for a sec? It's important..."

At the sound of the word 'important' they instantly nodded so I walked in and stood in front of them. I kept my head down for a couple of moments before clearing my throat and beginning, "I got a letter from the Clave yesterday." That made them both scrutinise me, "Technically, it was from the Inquisitor but you know..."

I sighed before retrieving the letter from my jacket pocket. "Here. Read this... It'll explain everything..."

I gave them the letter and they immediately started reading. Alec finished first and he immediately looked back at me in shock. If the situation was different, I'm sure I would have laughed but... Izzy finished not that long later and gave me the letter back.

"Should we bow?" Izzy's first response was.

I fervently shook my head. "No. No, don't do that please. I'm already freaked out as it is."

"It all makes sense now." At our confused looks, Alec elaborated, "Why all the downworlders you meet all refer to you as 'princess'. Although, technically you should be queen since there isn't anyone on the throne..." I started panicking at the thought...

"Alec! Don't panic her like that...!" There was a pause before she asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I honestly don't know. If I leave, I won't be able to see you guys but if I stay, there's a chance that they'll just have people take me back to Idris. But..." 

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