Who Am I?

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Lily's POV

I watched as Dot ran into Pandemonium. What is she doing there?

Uhhhh... What the hell is going on? I thought as I woke up from my daydream.

"What's wrong? What is it?" Jace quickly questioned.

I was still standing beside Alec; so when I started to hyperventilate, he spun me around and told me to, "Breathe. Deep breaths." I did as I was told and calmed down.

"Oddly enough, I feel like I know where Dot is right now..."

"Great! I'll drive!" Simon said enthusiastically. We all looked at him incredulously. "What? Unless you guys have a shadowhunter mobile or something..."

Izzy and I giggled at his weirdness, however I laughed harder as he said, "You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me?" He laughed nervously before saying seriously, "Right?"

We all stared at Simon intensely. After a while, we began to walk off one by one. When Jace went to leave, he said, "Possibly..." before leaving as well. Simon rambled on behind us as he followed us outside...

After a couple minutes of driving we arrived in an alley. I looked around, trying to see if anything looked familiar. I felt a tugging sensation in my abdomen, I headed towards my right. My fast pace walking lowing began to turn into a run. Eventually I got to a familiar looking alley. As soon as I stopped to take a look at my surroundings, I was pulled into another one of those flashes. I don't think I was the only one though...


Dot was being held down by a man. A shadowhunter?


A circle member!!!

They were in a dark place. There was a fire escape behind the man. Nothing looked familiar about the place but I felt like I knew exactly where she was.



I got out of my trance and noticed that I was holding my necklace which had a white glow receding from it.

I heard Clary gasp beside me but I didn't pay any attention to that, I just started to run towards the familiar club, Pandemonium.

I heard Clary say, "Dot" from behind me, once quietly and then she repeated it a second time but this time loudly as she quickly ran after me.

Hmmmmm. Clary gasped like I did, she must have had a vision as well this time. I wonder if she recognised where Dot was. Well, we will just have to see...

I ran ahead of everyone and managed to reach the alleyway beside Pandemonium, just in time to see a man take Dot. There were three other men left. I rubbed my ring and it transformed into my bow in my hand. I pulled the string back and an arrow appeared. I shot it at the men and managed to hit one of them in the stomach. I quickly pulled the string back again and shot the same man in the head. Dead.

I threw my bow in the air and it transformed back into a ring. I slipped the ring on to my finger as the the two other men fled inside the now empty club.

I followed them.

You may think it's a stupid move but these guys took Dot. They were with the man who took my mother. I needed them!

I raced after them and ended up in the main room. A man jumped out from behind a pillar and swiped at me with a sword. I ducked under the man's swing and the other hunter went to swipe at me but I front flipped to get closer to him and jumped and went into another flip so that I grabbed the man's shoulder as I flipped over him. Before he could swipe at me again, I grabbed the seraph blade from my pocket and it lit up once again and I stabbed the man with my seraph blade, causing him to collapse. The other man looked confused on what he wanted to do next. I took out his companions as if it was no trouble, what was he gonna do?

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