Introduction - The Marauders

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"The Marauders? You want me to sit in their compartment for a joke?"
"Yeah, it'll be funny."
"Funny? They'll kill me! Literally!"
The eleven year old Rose Watson's eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion as she walked past a few students who looked to be several years older than her as she made her way down the Hogwarts Express for her first time. Her long, brunette coloured hair was swishing behind her while she was confused on who these 'Marauders' were, and she wanted to find out. Deciding that this was not the time, she continued to make her way down the train.
Her letter for Hogwarts had arrived in the summer. It was expected, of course - her mother was a veela and her father was an amazingly talented pure-blooded wizard. She was thankful that she'd received her father's traits rather than her mother's - looking like a Barbie was only desirable for some.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Rose continued to look for a valid compartment, seeing people filling up many already. Eventually, she came to a free one at the back of the train.
"Wait!" Called someone behind her.
Rose turned around to see a girl to look like a year older than her with blazing red hair and shocking green eyes.
"May I help you?" Asked Rose, her voice surprisingly confident.
"I just thought that I ought to warn you about whose compartment that is. You're a first year, right? Asked the girl; Rose nodded. "Well, I'm Lily Evans, a second year."
"Rose Watson, nice to meet you." Smiled Rose.
"That compartment was claimed by The Marauders during their first year. You may not want to sit in it." Stated Lily.
"What's a Marauder?" Questioned Rose, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she heard that name for the second time.
"There are four boys in my year: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. They're the Marauders. They prank everyone, they bully people that they don't like and they're just awful. Lupin doesn't join in the bullying and Pettigrew seems to be a supporter when they're bullying someone, but they all join in when it comes to pranks." Lily told Rose.
"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you're trying to stop me from sitting in this compartment." Stated Rose, clearly expecting a good reason.
"On the way home last year, someone tried to sit in this compartment and the leaders Potter and Black both hexed him. You're a first year and they won't be afraid to hex you - Merlin, they wouldn't be afraid to hex a seventh year. I don't want to see you get hurt by them already," explained Lily. Her tone was light and reassuring. "You can sit with my friends and I instead if you want."
Rose pondered the thought. These Marauders - whoever they may be - sounded like they thought they could get away with anything. Bullies and prankers - what idiots. Even though Lily seemed like a nice person, Rose found herself shaking her head at this offer.
"No thanks, Lily. I think I'd like to meet these Marauders." Replied Rose, a slight smile on her face.
"Please don't tell me that you're another pranker like them..." Lily pleaded.
"I could be considered one, but I'd never team up with people like them. In fact, I'm going to give them a taste of their own medicine." Stated Rose, a little smirk on her face.
Lily appeared uncertain, worry in her green eyes. She asked, "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." Nodded Rose.
"If they do anything to hurt you, come and find me. Good luck teaching them a lesson." Smiled Lily.
Rose said her thanks and flashed a tiny grin at Lily as she walked into the compartment and sat down.
Lily seemed nice to the point where Rose thought she'd help anyone and everyone. Even Lily had something bad to say about the Marauders. Little Rose intended on finding out what was so bad about the Marauders, even if it took the rest of her life. She was determined to put them back where they belonged.

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