Way Four - Get Them Their First Detention of the Year

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"You're so adorable." Cooed Alice Lightwood, brushing her fingers through Rose's thick, dark hair.
"Unfairly so." Agreed Marlene McKinnon, smiling lightly at Rose. "It's almost like you're too flawless."
"When I have a daughter, I want her to look like you." Lily Evans stated, her vivid eyes twinkling.
"I feel like a little Barbie doll." Whined Rose, shaking her head very slightly as she looked around at the four girls sitting by her in the Great Hall during the years one and two study hour that afternoon.
"Are you muggle-born?" Asked Dorcas Meadowes, tucking a strand of dark hair beneath her ear. "Because you know what a Barbie is."
"Half-blood." Answered Rose, her eyebrows furrowing a little. "Or half-breed, really. My mother's a veela."
"That explains so much!" Exclaimed Alice lightly, finishing playing with Rose's hair as she turned back to the Charms book in front of her. "Half-veelas are always so pretty."
"I've never seen a veela with dark hair before, though." Commented Lily, her eyes studying over Rose's tiny form. "You really are different, aren't you? One of a kind."
"I'm glad she's one of a kind." Call James up from the table, his eyes slightly narrowed at Rose. "She's a bloody nightmare! I wouldn't survive with more than one of her running around!"
"Potter, don't be mean!" Scolded Lily, her eyebrows furrowing together in annoyance as she turned back to Rose. "Don't listen to him, sweetie, he's just a bully."
Rose felt tears stinging at her eyes and her face tinted slightly pink she chewed on the her bottom lip, diverging her gaze up for a second, though it did her no use as a small tear fell down her face. The moment it did, Alice had her arms wrapped around Rose's small shoulders, pulling her onto her chest.
"Potter!" Hissed Marlene, her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Look what you've done!"
"She deserves it." Said Peter.
"She's said worse to us." Continued Sirius.
"She's eleven and you're being nothing but horrible bullies to her." Stated Lily, shaking her head in disbelief. "I expected better from you than this."
"What's the problem here?" Asked Professor Flitwick, approaching the girls with a concerned look on his small face.
"It's nothing, Professor." Sniffed Rose, wiping away several of the tears on her cheeks. "I'm just being silly."
"She's not being silly!" Exclaims Marlene, an annoyed look on her face. "Those Marauders are being horrible to her!"
"Boys, is this true?" Squeaked Flitwick, his hands on his hips as his eyes settled on the Marauders, who looked somewhat like four deer caught in the headlights.
"Well, um, we-" stuttered all four Marauders.
"Detention!" Squeaked Flitwick in annoyance. "All of you in my room tonight. I expected better from you four."
As he walked away, Peter groaned. "We had better plans rather than our first detention of the year, and now a stupid first year has ruined it!"
"Stupid?" Repeated Rose, and Remus noticed immediately that something was missing from her appearance. "Weren't you just crying?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Weren't you just getting told off for supposedly making me cry? because I can make that happen again without a problem. Marauders, don't doubt me." Replied Rose, as she wiped the remains of the tears from her face. "Now if you'll excuse me, I want to actually spend this time learning something, so look away and bother someone else."
"That was-" Sirius began, speechless at Rose's act.
"Terrifying." Finished Peter, his eyes a little wide. "How did she make herself cry like that?"
"And how did she know she'd get us in detention by doing it?" Questioned Remus, his eyes narrowed as he glanced over Rose's form, watching her laugh and smile as though nothing had happened just moments before.
"I don't know, but Pete's right, she is terrifying..." Stated Sirius. "And something else about her is odd, yet it seems like I should know why." He continued, but this time, in his head. He overhead the girls say something about "vee", but wasn't fuller sure what it was.
Though all of the Marauders agreed that Rose was indeed a terrifying person, they couldn't agree on one thing: what was more scary. The fact that she was such a good actress, or the fact that she could manage to get them in their first detention of the year with ease. Either way, she wasn't someone they wanted to mess with much more than they already had. Maybe befriending her would be a much better idea.

Sorry if my chapters are short. I'll try to make them longer, or update more often...

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