Way One - Make a First Impression They'll Never Forget

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   "You're a fat ass," announced Remus Lupin, smacking James Potter on the head with his book.
   "What was that for?!" Demanded James, running his hand through his messy hair.
   "That was for almost making us miss the train!" Replied Remus, as he and his fellow Marauders strode up the Hogwarts Express.
   "It wasn't my fault, you know! Sirius was the one who hid my broom!" James defended, while glancing at the smirking Sirius Black. "Yeah, who's the fat ass now, huh?!"
   "Still you. Did you really have to throw your trunk at the piano? I was sitting there!" Commented Peter Pettigrew, rolling his eyes at James. "You nearly killed me."
   "Stop trying to kill poor little Pete, you fat ass!" Laughed Sirius, narrowing his eyes mockingly at James.
   "Hey, you're the fat ass!" Replied James, tripping Peter with his foot as they finally reached the end of the train where their compartment was located.
"Oh, shut up." Said Remus, rolling his hazel eyes.
"I don't know why you're telling me to shut up. You're the one who started it!" Exclaimed Sirius. "Looks like you're the fat ass now!"
"Oi, Potter!" Called a seventh year from up the train.
Even as second years, The Marauders were well known throughout the school. Being well known came having valuable friends in different years, and the seventh years were definitely important friends to The Marauders. They knew everything and everyone, and right now it looked like this one knew something they didn't.
"What's happening?" Asked James, cocking an eyebrow.
"There's a girl in your compartment."
"What?!" Demanded Sirius, eyes wide. "We made it pretty clear that-"
"First year," said the seventh year. "Apparently Evans warned her about you bunch and she sat there anyway."
"Oh, this is going to be fun." Mused Sirius, his eyes twinkling.
"Thanks for the warning, mate." Nodded James; the seventh year smirked and walked back to his compartment.
   The Marauders reached their normal compartment and saw, as expected, a tiny girl sitting in a seat, a book held in her hands. Her hair was dark and flowed from her head like silk, her young skin flawless and pale while her movements were light and delicate. She wouldn't have looked out of place in a room full of life-sized dolls; there was something exceptionally cute about her in a rather pretty way.
   However, that appearance disappeared when her neck snapped up at the sound of the compartment door sliding open. Her "attractiveness" was now only noticed by Sirius, but he could probably notice something attractive in any girl, including his professors (creepy). Immediately, James asked, "Who are you and what are you doing in our compartment?"
   "I'm Rose Watson." Answered Rose simply, her piercing blue eyes focused in almost a challenging way upon the four Marauders.
   "Alright, Watson. Now, what are you doing in our compartment?" Asked James, cocking an eyebrow at her.
   Rose's eyebrows raised. "Your compartment?" Repeated Rose.
   "Yeah, this compartment's been ours the last three times we were on this train." Nodded Remus.
   "Aw, you claimed your own compartment?" Rose asked as though she were speaking to a bunch of four year olds. "How adorable!"
   "And we're claiming it back now." Stated Sirius. "We know that you were told not to come in here."
   "Why so Sirius, Black?" Mocked Rose, a smirk forming on her face.
   Peter and Remus couldn't help but snigger at that.
   "Well then, by now you must have also realized that I don't care." Said Rose, the mocking smile wiping off her face. "I've heard you four already seem like utter idiots. I hope you know that you don't rule the school just because you pull a few pranks."
   "Don't we?" Challenged James, cocking an eyebrow, clear amusement on his face.
   "To quote Hamlet, act III, scene III, line 92, "No"." Stated Rose. "And I plan on proving it."
   The whole Marauder squad disliked the girl already, but they felt something positive and witty about her too.
   "You plan on proving it?" Repeated Peter, a laugh escaping his lips. "How exactly are you planning to do that?"
   Rose stood up from her seat, slamming her book shut. She walked towards to face the Marauders where they stood just outside the door. She had to look up at all of them since she was small, standing at barely 4"7, and The Marauders were all at least 5"3.
   Yet there was something in her hard stare which was intimidating, even though they had to look literally half a foot down at her. Her eyes were hardened over with a serious look, and her mouth was set into a thin line.
   "I'm going to show you in as many ways as it takes that you're not the ones who control this school. You can step down, princesses, because the Queen has arrived, and she's not going to share her throne with anybody." Stated Rose coolly, her eyes narrowly very slightly.
   The Marauders wouldn't admit that they were a tiny bit afraid of the little eleven year old in front of them. It was a ridiculous thought, given how she was so tiny that The Marauders didn't doubt that each of them would be able to lift her above their head with ease, but it was true. She was certainly different.
   She smiled widely, her eyes lighting up as she chimed, "See you later, losers!"
   She pushed her ay through them with ease, smiling to herself as she noted the first way to scare The Marauders: make a first impression they'll never forget for as long as they may live.

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