Way Two - Get Sorted Into the Same House as Them

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   "Hey, she's the girl who threatened the Marauders!"
"What? She threatened the marauders?! Merlin, no way!"
"Look at her! She would never do anything like that, she's way to tiny!"
"There she is: the little devil herself."
News spread fast at Hogwarts, especially if it regarded the Marauders. Therefore, it was no surprise that the rumour of the Marauders being threatened by a tiny little first year had spread so quickly. Everyone also seemed to know who it was that threatened the Marauders, and that was why more eyes were focused on Rose more than any other first year as they were led into the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall.
   Rose smiled proudly to herself as she entered the Great Hall among her fellow first years; it was simply gorgeous. The enchanted ceiling was like something out of her dreams. Her fellow first years seemed to be nice people and she was glad that her name had spread around the castle already. It appeared that making a strong impression on the a Marauders clearly worked.
"Hey!" Squawked a sixth year Hufflepuff as Rose strolled pass him. "Is it true that you threatened the Marauders?"
Rose didn't reply. She glanced over at him with a slight smirk playing on her lips. Her eyes skimmed over and looked over his head to where the Marauders were seated at the Gryffindor table, each of them glaring at her in turn, noticing that there was something about Sirius's stare, but that thought got ran over by Peter's stare... it was quite... revolting. "Something about him reminds me of a rat..." She thought, while allowing a wide grin to slip onto her face.
The group of first years came to stand below the slightly raised stage with a three-legged stool on it and what looked to be a ancient, ripped hat sitting on top of it. Rose almost asked a girl near her what it was for, until it began to sing. She was immediately mesmerized by just what magic could do.
Rose clapped as the Sorting Hat finished its song, a smile on her face. She watched as McGonagall stood up next to the stool with a scroll of parchment in her hands, looking down at all of the nervous first years.
"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." She spoke; it seemed to be simple enough for Rose. She watched as the first person to be sorted became a Ravenclaw, and clapped her hands together politely.
Before long, her name was called, and she could hear a few people whispering about her as she skipped onto the small stage. She took her seat on the stool with a confident look on her face, a slight smile playing on her lips as the Sorting Hat was placed on top of her head, it's voice ringing out in her head immediately.
"Ah interesting..." The hat hummed, causing Rose's eyebrows to furrow together the slightest. "No lack of confidence, I see, and not a bad mind either... Sneaky and smart, Slytherin could do you well, and so would Ravenclaw. But oh, of course! Your bravery! Yes, I suppose it better be... GRYFFINDOR!"
The Gryffindor table cheered for Rose as she stood up, placing the hat back onto the stool, a grin on her face. She stepped down from the stage but nearly fell, due to her slight clumsiness. She was surprised that she never tripped on the Hogwarts Express. Rose started making her way over to the Gryffindor table, where she noticed several familiar faces who'd just been sorted and several people she'd met on the train moving to create a space for her.
"Congratulations on getting sorted into Gryffindor, Rose." Smiled Alice Lightwood as Rose took the seat next to her. "We'll make sure that you're comfortable in our house. We have all the best people, trust me."
"Notably us." Grinned a pair of red-headed twins; they appeared to be several years older than Rose.
"I'm Fabian." Said the first.
"And I'm Gideon." Nodded the second, smiling to Rose. "We're the Prewett twins. Trouble makers - the best in the school until those Marauders came along."
"But we've heard that you're out to get them, and if you ever need any help, feel free to come get us." Grinned Fabian, his eyes twinkling with joy.
Alice was right: it looked like, despite being home to the Marauders, Gryffindor did have some of the best people Rose was sure she'd in counter throughout her years at Hogwarts.
"She's a nightmare!" Complained James, as the Marauders flopped onto the sofas closest to the fire. "Of all the houses, why did she have to be in ours?"
"She should be a Slytherin!" Squeaked Peter, as Sirius's eyes narrowed at the portrait hole, waiting for the first years being shown around to enter. "Evil little demon, I guess."
"Well, she does seem brave, thought, to threaten us." Remarked Remus. "Maybe she is a Gryffindor. Still, I'd rather not have someone determined to "put us in our places" in our house."
"No shit, Sherlock." Mumbled James, watching Sirius stare at the portrait hole.
"Oh Merlin," Sirius uttered in slight horror, his eyes a little wide. "She's going to be in this Common Room with us every night."
"Eating at the same house table as us everyday." Stuttered Peter, appearing to be rather afraid.
"She's pretty much going to be within arm's reach all the time." Said Sirius. "Seriously, this must be some sort of joke." The joke was on him, of course, Rose being uncommonly gorgeous while being the devil's daughter herself.
"And here's the bad punchline." Sighed Remus, as the portrait hole opened and the first years walked in; tiny Rose was still visible, and she appeared to be looking around the Common Room, searching for someone (or some people, I must say). Just as they feared, the Marauders saw Rose's eyes light up when they landed on them in the middle of the room.
"Hello, Marauders," chimed Rose, walking over to them with a smirk on her face. "Fancy seeing you four here."
"Yeah, fancy that." Agreed Sirius sarcastically.
"No need to be sarcastic, Black. I've been told about you all separately, and I think that we're all going to become great friends. I'll see you tomorrow, Marauders." Smiled Rose, waggling her fingers in a mocking wave as she walked away in the direction of the dorms, mentally noting down the second way to scare the Marauders: get sorted into the same house as them and make sure that they know the next six years are going to be a living hell for them.

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