Part 6

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I got up the next morning and went to the bathroom to do my hair. 

Once again I had to cover the bruise on my face and now I has to wear a kind of loose shirt so my stomach doesn't hurt. 

I straightened my hair and put some makeup on then walked out the door to the bus stop. I stood there and waited for what seemed like forever.  

I wanted to be as far away from my house as I possibly could be. School was the farthest thing away right now. 

The bus finally came and I got to school. When I got there I threw my book bag down and slumped down in my seat. Jason came in and sat down beside me. 

"Hey anah!" he said with a big smile on his face. 

I put on a fake smile. "Hey Jason."  

He could obviously tell that I my smile was fake. 

He frowned. "What's wrong?" 

"Don't worry about it." 

"Anah, please tell me." 

I looked down and frowned. "'d have to see it to understand." 

"Show me after class?" 

"Sure...but you cannot tell anyone once you see teachers or anything." 

A flash of worriedness crossed his face. "Okay. I promise." 

Somehow I knew I could trust him. 

Class went by really fast. I didn't really want to get out. I was scared to tell Jason what was going on with me at my house. 

The bell rang and he followed me out the door. 

He looked at me with that worried face again and whispered,"Now please tell me what's going on." 

I layed my hand out and he took it then we walked all the way to a very abandoned place outside of school. 

It took us about 5 minutes to get there. 

"Are you sure you want to get involved with me and my home life?" I ask him sternly. 

He looks terrified. "Yes. I'm positive." 

I gently wiped the makeup off the side of my face. 

He immediately gasped. 

"Anah who did this to you?" 

I just frowned and lifted up my shirt a little. His mouth dropped and tears started to swell up in his eyes. 

He gently touched it and I flicked a little. 

"Anah please tell me who did this to you...I swear I won't tell anybody." 

I started to cry a little and whispered,"My Dad." 

He pulled me to him and hugged me. Everytime he breathed I could her him gasp so I knew he was crying. 

I gripped his shirt and cried. 

We layed down in the feild and cuddled up together. 

I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't say anything. 

"Anah...have you ever met someone and just felt it from the beginning that you were meant to be together? Even if you barely know each other?" 

I had a feeling that I knew where he was going with this. 

I smiled,"Yeah I have. What about you?" 

"I have." he smiled and looked into my eyes. 

"Who was he?" he asked.  

"More like who IS he. And I'll only tell if you tell me who the girl is." 

He smiled and said,"You tell me." 

He gently put his hand on my cheek and kissed me very passionately. 

He pulled his lips from mine and put his forehead against mine. 

We both sat up and he stared at me and very seriously said,"I will protect you from your dad somehow. I promise." 

I started to cry again and I kissed him very passionately. 

"You're amazing Jason." 

"Not as amazing as you."

*******AUTHORS NOTE!: Hey guys! Thanks all of you who are actually reading my story. Comment and tell me what you think of it so far. 

Picture on the side is Anah>>>>>>>>>

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