Part 10

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It's monday and we're walking to school. It takes us 10 minutes to get to school so we take our own sweet time.

" know I have to go home today right?" I ask him. He just looks down and nods.

"Anah I got you another phone just in case he tries to take yours." he says and hands me the phone. "My number is on speed dial."

I smile and put it in my back pack, where my dad never tries to look. He doesn't care about my education so he doesn't even bother going through it.

"All I ask for today is don't walk me home. He's already going to be pissed off as it is and I don't want to get myself in even more trouble if he sees me with read the text ya know." 

"I won't this time...but if you need me to come get you, i'll be there in a heartbeat, I promise."

I smile and kiss him gently on the cheek.



Next thing I know we are standing in front of the school. I take a deep breath in and walk inside. I really did not want to be here today. All the staring and pointing...damn am I really that ugly looking?

Jason walks in beside me, holding my hand. All the people stare at us. You can obviously see the jealousy. I kinda smile and walking closer to him.

The school slut walks up to us and just stands there looking us both up and down. She then turns to Jason. "Why be with THAT when you could be with someone like me?" She smiles seductively, makeing a duck face that really makes her look retarded. He kinda laughs, " 'Cause i'd rather not be with someone who is blown out worse than a fat kids sock."

I tried my hardest to hold in a laugh so my face turned tomatoe red as I watched her mouth drop in shock. We got about 10 feet away from her and I busted out in laughter.


Lunch was rather interesting. Me and Jason sat at a table in the way back all alone while ms slut(aka jasmine) was giving me death glares. It was quite hilarious..bitch thinks she can hurt me.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast.....of course it would on the day where I don't want to go home.

I was sitting in english trying to make the time go slower but it was no use. In no time the bell rang for school to be let out. 

I started walking out of school with my ipod in my ear listening to Hush by Automatic Loveletter.

Out of nowhere I get hug attacked from behind. I already know who it is. I turn around and kiss him.

"How was the rest of your day love?" He asks.

"It was okay...i'm dreading going home though." I whisper worridly.

"Call me if you need me at all...You know i'll be there."

"I know." I smile a fake smile.

I walk home and walk inside the door to see my dad standing there...smiling at me.

 ****AUTHORS NOTE::: Sorry the chapters have been really short, I have terrible writers block. But would anyone like to make me a better cover for the the protector? I'd really apprecieate it :)

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