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I started shaking and struggling to keep my balance as I recognised the guy from last night. Maybe I do remember things from last night. I started to struggle from breath behind the counter.
Every bloke I do sleep with, I never end up seeing them again. They are mostly just one nights. I'm not a slut, it just always happens when I'm pissed. I'm messed up I know. But I have an excuse that ruined me at such a young age.

"You okay Bex?" Nat asked concerned. I nodded trying to recover from my attack. I took heavy breathes and looked away from the guy from last night. I don't even know his bloody name.
To my luck, he walked over to the queue to buy something. I started shaking again and put my head down hoping he wouldn't recognise me. Rapidly, I scanned some tracksuit bottoms for some teenager and threw the bag in his face after he paid. He frowned at me but I didn't care.

Just please don't come over to my till.

I picked up a jacket and some joggers and scanned them as fast as I could.

"Anything else?" I mumbled.

"For you to look at me."


It was him.

I raised my head up to see the familiar face. His blew eyes twinkled as they glued onto my face. He had dirty blonde hair that was spiked upwards. Holy shit he looked fine. How did I manage to sleep with him?!

"Urm, hey," I murmured.

"Alright? How's your recovery going?"

"Horrible, nice of you to leave," I rolled my eyes. I looked at his sea blue eyes that read a apologetic matter.
"Meet me for a coffee after?" He asked. Is he safe? I'm not sure if I can trust him. He seems nice but you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. Trust me.

I nodded my head before I could change my mind and gave him his bag with his clothes inside.
"I finish at 5."
"Okay see you then."
With that, he was gone. I exhaled and rested my body.

"Another one of your fuck friends?" Nat joked. I scowled at her and slap her arm. She was right though. I'm 23 and already messed up. I sleep with whoever I can.

I just want to feel special you know?
I want to feel wanted.
It only happens when I drink though. Unfortunately, that was a lot. Every time something terrible happened, I turned to the drink.
I know I shouldn't but I do. I just can't control it.


"See you tomorrow Bex!" Nat shouted running out of the staff room. I didn't respond as she was already gone, probably to meet her boyfriend, so instead I just picked up my stuff out of my locker and took off my name tag along with some other shit and walked out of adidas.

My arm raised so I could look at the time. 5:05pm. Where is he?
Maybe he's not coming.
Maybe he forgot.
I can never keep a guy can I?

Damn how I need a drink.

I turned around to head out of Westfield to find the nearest club I could until I felt someone grab my arm, causing me to jump. My body flew around to see that familiar face from last night. My mouth dropped as well as my heart which made him smile. I faintly smiled at him as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Costa?" How I wanted him to say pub.
"Sure," I spluttered as he let go of my arm. I don't even know his name yet. I know nothing about him. Well at least I'm keeping away from the booze tonight. Even though I really need it.

When we arrived, I spent for ages looking at the menu. I've never had a costa before, I only have Starbucks so I was spoilt for choice. In the end, I decided to get something with strawberries and cream, since I always get that from Starbucks. I didn't really fancy getting a new drink and turning out not to like it in front of a guy I've just met incase I pull a face. So he  insisted he paid for mine so I got us a table instead.
A few seconds later, he walked over carrying our drinks. He carefully placed it on the table as I thanked him politely.

"So what's your name?" He asked trying to make a conversation. I sucked on my straw and responded.
"Rebecca, you?"


My heart dropped. The flashbacks. The flashbacks from that one word. Shivers dashed down my spine as I started to shaking. I started to struggle to breath and my vision went blurry. There was faint noises that I couldn't make out to understand. Within seconds, darkness shadowed over me.

Ooooo so why did Bex have an attack over his name??

Why is Bex so addicted to alcohol??

Find out on Thursday! :p

Lots of love,

Ellaaa Xx

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