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Media is what Bex is wearing for cinema :)

I looked down at my outfit for my date with Simon. It was 8:15pm and I was finished. My make up was decent; I went for the natural look instead of how I normally look. I didn't have any eyeliner on, just the basics: foundation, concealer, powder, contour, blusher, mascara, highlighter and filled in my brows. For a girl, it is like an achievement to be ready with 15 minutes spare.

Therefore, I just sat on my phone strolling through Twitter keeping up with the world whilst jamming to Hoodie Allen tunes. I checked Simon's Twitter to see if he has been uploading the same recently, and he hasn't. He has been uploading only 1 video on his second channel recently. I saw many fans tweet him, starting to moan at him for not uploading 2 which made me feel really bad. It's my fault he's running behind on videos. I'll have to have a word with him about it before the film starts.

A few minutes later, my door opened. I jumped up from my bed, slid my phone into my back pocket and walked out of my room. There stood Simon. He's early. He was already in my kitchen hunting for the food. I rolled my eyes and crept up to him making sure he didn't hear me. Once I was behind him, I squeezed his waist shouting "boo!" Simon screamed and jumped causing me to wet myself laughing. I laughed that hard I ended up falling on my kitchen floor. Simon grunted, folding his arms.
"It's not funny Bex."
"Oh but it is," I said between the laughs. He still wasn't having any of it so he turned around leaving me to lay there laughing like a melt. Suddenly, Simon turned around with a packet of opened crisps in his hand. My laughs imminently stopped and I glared at Simon. He had a smirk on his face as he stepped a bit closer to me. We both knew what he was planning to do. I shuffled backwards as he kept walking towards me.
"No Simon. Have mercy," I begged, laughing slightly. To my luck, I shuffled into the sofa. I'm trapped. Simon was in between my legs too standing up. He tilted the packet of crisps, hearing the crackling sound of the crisps moving towards the out way of the packet. I covered my face but then I had a plan. I kicked Simon in the knee since I didn't have my shoes on yet causing him to start to fall towards me. The crisps started to fall out but I didn't care. It was going on both of us. Simon ended up falling on me and the crisps scattered all over us.

When he fell on me, it did hurt a bit but it was worth it. Most of the crisps landed on him and our faces were inches apart from each other's. Neither of us cared that he was on me as it was normal to us since I've fallen asleep on him before. We both say there and laughed hysterically covered in sweet chilli sensational crisps. Simon's head was resting on my chest with his arms wrapped round me while I just laughed with my head in my hands.

"We stink," Simon moaned after we finished laughing.
"And who's fault is that?" I smirked causing Simon to lift his head up from my chest and give me a glare. He didn't say anything back instead we looked at his watch to see that it read 8:45.
"Shit, we better go Bex," Simon shouted getting off me. Once he was off me, he gave me a hand up allowing me to thank him as we looked into each other's eyes. I looked away since I didn't want to confess how I felt about him and we walked out of my apartment.

Our hands didn't split apart, we held hands the whole way until we sat down in our seats for the film. As soon as we did, Simon took that moment to dig into the popcorn. I leant back in my seat and laughed. Simon looked at me and frowned with his mouth full of popcorn.
"What's so funny?"
"You. Your such a pig Simon," I laughed. Simon sarcastically put his hand on his heart and gave me a shocked expression. My eyes rolled around and took some popcorn out of the bag. Simon frowned and threw a bit of popcorn at me.
"No, we can't fight in here. We'll get kicked out," I whispered, giggling. Simon smirked and nodded before leaning back on his seat as the movie started to begin.

The film was horrifying. Every jumpscare, I sneakily moved a bit closer to Simon and luckily he aloud it. He put his arm around me as I hid in his chest while we both screamed at the film. Simon didn't seem to mind about me getting closer; he actually welcomed it. He smelt amazing too. He had a sweet vanilla scent coming off his top, which was pretty sweet. Most guys I used sleep with wear strong cologne to make themselves feel 'harder' when really I've always preferred the sweet scent. A few points during the film, when his arm was around me, we made eye contact until an ear-piercing scream blasted through the speakers to make us jump and laugh.

By the end of the film, I was sitting on Simon's lap with my arms wrapped around his neck and his on my waist. We didn't realise until the lights came on to blind us and lost of people were giving us weird looks. I tried to get off to stop people looking at us but was pulled back down and held tightly.
"Let them stare," he whispered. We weren't even in a relationship and he's acting like my boyfriend. Does he like me back? Surely not.
"I need a wee anyway," I spoke, untangling myself from Simon's tight grip. He groaned when the cold air rushed over his body as I got up but soon stopped when our hands met again. We walked out of the cinema hand in hand like a proper couple.

"Right. Simon. I need to tell you something. You might not believe me but it's true. It's been bothering me for a long time but now my decision has been made. Simon I think I'm in love with you..." I repeated, staring at my reflection in the mirror by the taps in the toilet. I'm going to tell him.

Once I finished what I was planning to say as fixed my make up, I walked out to see Simon on his phone leaning against the wall. He looked like a model. So hot. I shaked my head over my obsession with him and walked over.
"Ready?" I asked, making Simon look up from his phone. He nodded and we walked out of the cinema hand in hand again, gracefully. When we made it outside, I stopped which made his arm lean back causing him to stop walking.
"What's up Bex?" Simon asked with a puzzled look on his face. I exhaled deeply before speaking out.

"I need to tell you something..."

Right guys, I'm so sorry for not updating over the weekend. I wrote it and everything but wattpad only went and fucking crashed on me!! So I lost most of the work for this chapter and was too annoyed to write it all out again. Yes I was mad. I was raging to my my mate Natalya and it was pretty bad.

Yea something else was suppose to happen in this chapter but blame wattpad for crashing on me. You'll find out in the next one probably. Sorry this one isn't the best.



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Lots of love,

Ellaaaa x

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