35 - Simon

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*few days later*

The last few days have been really difficult for me. Bex was getting worse and I couldn't even ask Josh for help. I've been keeping Josh and Bex away from each other because of what happened when she first moved in. So Bex hasn't left my room apart from to go to the bathroom ever since she moved in. It is the only way to keep her from Josh. Moving in with your partners are suppose to be fun and suppose to make your life happier but for me it's been hard. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon that the love of my life is living with me but she's getting worse to control. She wakes up in the middle of the night to move in closer next to me because she either had a nightmare or saw him.

Our relationship is still going strong though. When she doesn't see things, she is her normal self. We have the moments we used to have in the mornings every day now and it's brilliant. Our kisses are still long and passionate but we haven't had our second time yet. It has been bothering me for a while but I've managed to keep it in still.

"Simon, I'm hungry," she moaned rubbing my stomach. It was the afternoon and we were laying in bed since I had just finished recording. She was sleeping during the recording session and I had managed to get her out of the shot throughout the recording since I didn't want fans to comment stuff about her. It was the last thing she needed right now.
"Why am I not surprised?" I sarcastically thought pulling a thinking face. Bex giggled and slapped my stomach gently. I groaned in pain and held the part she slapped me before rubbing it.
"You baby," she laughed rolling over so she was laying on her back. I pouted acting like a 'baby' but quickly felt a rush go up my body. My pout turned into a smirk as I straddled on top of her.
"If I'm a baby, tell me does this hurt?" I asked nibbling on her neck. She started to lift her head back in pleasure. I smirked into her neck and made my way down her body since she didn't have a top on. She ran a hand through my hair until she couldn't reach anymore. When I made my way to her waist, I slid of her shorts and hid my face down there so she couldn't see me.
"You're so weird," I heard her giggle which made me look up.
"Well this weirdo is about to show you how freaky he can get," I smirked pulling down her underwear with my teeth...


After our moment of fun, we both relaxed onto the bed, our bare bodies hitting the cold air with a one hand in one. I was surprised Bex allowed it due to her problems lately but she was fine, she didn't tell me to stop at all considering she was sober too. She didn't see him during our fun and there was no screaming. Does this mean she was getting better already?

"I love you too much Simon Minter," she said looking up at the celling with a smile on her face. My face lit up when I saw her smile. She looked so beautiful. I loved seeing her happy, it was an amazing sight to look at. This girl has one of those faces where you can just look at all day.
"I love you more," I whispered smiling, turning my head to face her. She carried on looking at the celling but we still carried on talking.

"Was it okay?" I asked, a little uneasy.
"Was it okay?" She repeated, "it was perfect."
"No Simon?"
"Only this Simon I'm madly in love with here," she flirted looking over at me. Massive smiles grew across our faces as we held eye contact. I just couldn't help it so I quickly moved over and pecked her lips. They were just too soft and kissable. I've got my girlfriend back already, but these wonderful moments never last for long. The cheating. It creeped it's way back up from the back of my head. We still needed to talk about it. I still can't trust her even if she is still living with me. It pains me to say that; my heart pains. The imagination of her with some dickhead in bed with her phone vibrating on the side because of me trying to get hold of her. It hurts. No one should have to go through cheating.

"Bex, we still need to talk," I muttered breaking away from the kiss. Immediately, she pulled me back in so we could kiss again.
"Can't it wait," she smirked into my lips. I pulled away which made her startle a little.
"No it can't, we still haven't talked about you the other night," I said, my mood slightly changing into anger.
"What about it?"
"Well you need to tell me what happened with your mum and why you did it."
"Simon can't this wait for another time," she begged, removing her hands from my body and flopping back onto her side of the bed. She put her hands over her face and sighed. Part of me felt guilty but then I remembered I had no reason to be.
"No, we need to talk about it."
"Simon I'm so sorry and I love you too much; that's all you need to know. It was only because I was drunk due to my mum I drank, but I'm not going to visit her anymore so I should still be off the drink for as long as I'm with you," she said removing her hands from her eyes to look at me. A small smile spread across her face as she held out her hand for me to take. I thought about it for a while. She still didn't tell me what happened with her mum but I'm guessing she didn't want to talk about it. She said she wouldn't do it again...can I trust her?

I shook my head mentally and took ahold of her hand. My hand immediately warmed up and her eyes twinkled. When they twinkled, my heart melted. She was telling the truth. She won't cheat on me again. I need her in my life. And she needs me. We are too strong to be like this.

"Marry me Bex."

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