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We sat there leaning against the door not touching each other. We were facing the living room with our hands on our knees. Neither of us spoke, the angry air held us right. I had explained him to Simon. Who him was. Simon hasn't said a word since I have come out who he was. When I was telling him, his fists clenched together a few times and the deeper I got into it, the stronger he squeezed.

"Where is he now?" Simon spat still not looking at me. I looked over and he looked mad. Tears were filling his eyes as his lips raised in disgust. I was crying too, still. They weren't as bad as before but I was calm. I was proud of myself. Finally, I got the courage to tell someone. No one ever knew about him. I never explained it. It was a horrible subject and there wasn't enough energy to come out of my mouth and explain it. It would always break me down and feel weak. Feeling weak is one of the worst experiences you can ever go through.
The only person who did know was my dad and that's because he was looking down at me. To this day, I still believe my dad got rid of him.

"He's in prison."
"What because of what he did to you?"
"No, he killed someone. But we never knew who phoned them."

Simon didn't respond he just carried on looking mad and upset. A tear fell from his eye when those words came out of my mouth. The room fell silent again; it was full of emotions. A few minutes later,he spoke up again.

"Bex I am so sorry," Simon whimpered looking at me. His eyes were red and more tears dropped out from his eyes. This made me cry harder. Seeing him upset kills me. I don't care about myself anymore, but I care about him so much. He is my happiness.

Simon's eyes were a mixed emotion of anger and sadness. I smiled between the tears and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it tightly and smiled back. Droplets of tears were entering our mouths but we didn't care.
"It's not your fault," I whispered looking at him. We sat there with a hand in hand with a little distance between us.
"You had to to through that all on your own?"
"Yeah, you're the first person to know." As soon as I said is that, Simon spluttered as more tears flow out of his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his hands to remove the tears as he broke down even more. Seeing him like this, made me cry harder. I wiped away my tears before Simon managed to speak again.

"So this is why you sleep with guys?" I nodded. He turned around so he faced me and I did the same. Simon wiped away my tears as they kept flowing out. His eyes were reading sympathy as he was intrigued to know more but not in a nosy way...a caring way. Having someone actually care about you is the best thing you could ask for. It is an amazing feeling.

"Why did you tell me then?" He asked breaking me from my thoughts. I took a deep breath to gain myself to speak and sighed.

"Because....because I'm in love with you Simon. You have made me feel so much better. You taught me there is a happiness in life," I smiled as the never ending water that came out of my eyes, kept flying out. Simon smiled back and wiped the tears away from my face. He pulled me in for a massive hug and held me right.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," I replied whispering. He grabbed me tighter so not even air could find a way between us.

When I told Simon, it felt like he was destroyed. Like the ghost version of him, disappeared into millions of clouds. There was a small scream...the scream of defeat. Telling Simon made him disappear. It was like I became the bigger person. I wasn't as upset as I thought I would've been as I was too proud of myself. To tell someone about your problems, releases all the pain and stress. It is a hard subject and it always will be.

Simon broke away from the hug and wrapped his arms around my neck. We held eye contact for a long time; the tears beginning to dry on our faces. He leant in and kissed my cheek slowly, leaving a tingling sensation through my cheek. Simon sniffed as I wiped away our tears causing him to smile. He spoke ever so kindly, which made my heart flutter.

"I'm going to fix you Bex. We will get through this and I will be with you, the whole way."

lol yes I cried whilst writing this. Oh well hope you enjoyed!!

Who's hopefully going to the Upload event?? Actually buzzing for it if I get tickets :p

Lots of love,

Ellaaa x

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