Isabelle is it really you?

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Hey have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a vampire's "daughter". And be a "vegetarian", weird right. Well let me tell you how it all started. I was just a baby, about 3 years old; it was dark outside, so dark that you could only see the flickering street lights. I was in a stroller with my mom pushing it and then this vast gust of wind flashed by and, then a loud scream and then a loud thud. That all I remember about my mother, she died one night, July 5, 1870. 

That night I was carried home in a pair of strong muscular arms, he always told me of how he fought against his own family, to not kill me because I was human. He seemed like a very sweet man till he told me the real reason why he kept me. It was simply because I looked alot like the wife had and her daughter that is until she died in a fire set by an angry mob of humans.

Also because babies don’t have sweet blood but instead horrid and sour blood. His plan was to wait until I was of the 12th year and then to kill me, but then he realised that the woman he killed the night was his wife and he'd been nursing his own daughter. He found this out one day, when I turned 10 years old.

 it was my birthday, I had all the kids in my class there even a few of my aunts and uncles, I was about to blow out the candles when I heard a sharpening sound like teeth or something. I turned around looked at my uncle; he had long fangs like Dracula. he started to approach me and with every step he took I stepped back, until I was pushed against the wall, my dad saw my predicament and lunged at my uncle and bite him in the neck, and all of the color in my uncles skin was gone. My dad let him go, and he was laid their unconsciously. No one looked frightened by it except me. My dad ushered everyone out of our house and cradled me in his arms saying “don’t worry Isabelle, he was just..." “Just what dad?"  He stood up straight with a blank expression on his face and said “follow me"

I took his hand and then we went into the car, it was a very long and awkwardly quiet drive. When we stopped we arrived at a... I really don’t know what it is; it looked like some academy/ hospital. He walked inside and talked to one of the physiatrists that I think was a personal friend of his. she took one look at me and said" where on earth did you find her!" and engulfed me into a long hug. “What do you mean?" " how on earth do you not see it, look at her eyes, hair and that nose, only your wife possessed  that. If you don’t believe me I’ll get Sandra to do a blood test" she took a sample of my blood and then some of my dad’s and went into another room.

The needle she used to take my blood was really long and it hurt me so much, it was at least 5 inches long, and she just stabbed it in my arm and took the blood. When she stabbed dad in the arm with a different needle approximately the same length, he didn’t even flinch. He seemed un affected by it. she came back a few moments later, and said" yep she's definitely yours" " that is impossible they both died in that mansion you know that!" he replied. " she must have snuck out somehow, remember the mob only wanted you dead not them so they must have snuck her out somewhere during all of the chaos and banished her. " " what do you mean?"

“you didn’t know? (gasp) She was a human that is why birth was so painful... why don’t you... ohh yeah we knocked you out during her giving birth because you were getting a little out of... well let’s just say you weren’t fit to be in the room with her at that moment. when birth became too painful we injected her with temporary venom, it would heal her fast and help her through birth. but when you woke up the venom was still in use, so you thought she was a vampire. the venom stayed in her system for an additional 9 months, but on the 9th month that mob came and know the rest."

“wait so you’re telling me that I killed my own wife?" he asked in disbelief. “im sorry to say it but yes"

he crouched down on one knee in front of me and asked "Isabelle is it really you?" I just stared I didn’t know what to say, he knew I was Isabelle, I mean that’s my name he gave it to me for Christ sake. he stared into my eyes and said “it really is you" and he engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

"dad what are you talking about?"

he let go and looked me in the eyes and gave me an apologetic look “sorry it happened a long time ago....

A/N Tell me what you guys think, this is my first vampire book on wattpad so plz tell me what u think. thanks 

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