The Love of my life

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so im guessing your all wondering who Ramund Anthony Jems is. well you guessed it. he's the love of my life. i just couldnt believe he would do something like that to me. 

look ill even show you how we met.

it was a warm, dark, rainy, monday afternoon. i felt i bit overjoyed with the weather. so i decided it be best i go for a hunt before my father thinks the real elizabeth has been obducted.

ill tell you about that story later. 

so i jumped out of my bedroom window. the window was more of a dark black and blood red framed bay window. as you know bay windows dont open. well dad got me mad so i decided to do a little remodeling. so i grew my nails and unscrewed the 't' on the window. long story short. i added a hinge to the door so i could open and close it. i jumped out of my window and ran into the forest next door. i kinda felt hungry. well not kind of hungry really hungry. i got mad and as you know certain emotions triger your hunger. well unfortunatly for humans or animals, my trigger is anger and sometimes frustration. so thats how i found myself running through the forest.

at first it started out as a little look around type of thing. but then i got mad. my blood was turning red, my eyes blood shot and heart racing. thats how you know i was on a blood run. 

i ended up sinking my teeth into anything that had a heart. more importantly blood. i had drank 3 rabbits, 2 deers and just for the fun of it about 3 maybe 4 birds. what i got hungry vampires do need meat you know and might i just say cardinals have the most suculent meat out there, well next to deer, bear and rabbit, but you catch my drift. 

after i finished my 4th cardinal i think. i ended up walking around the town. it was about 17 miles away from my current estate and  14 away from the forest. sorry but if you didnt know the forest it huge. its 3 miles in length and width. but thats besides the point. 

i walked into town and was hit with the most amazing scent ever. 

it was a mixture of the forest and cinnamon. I followed the scent down a long sandy road. until i reached a small family bakery named Jems Cupcakes. i entered and was greeted my the sexiest man to ever have walked the earth. 

"hello how can i help you" he said

i just stood there by the entrance and said in my head MATE! MATE! MATE! He's my mate

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