Dont Talk Back part 2

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the slaves my father got as well.. gifts. were never used as what they were stained for( pleasuring people), they were used as well, maids. my father never had a real likeing to women or should i say, never wanted to get too close to another women after what had happened to my mother agaun. so he decided to, make a mense and not put the gifts through the same pain he went through ( simpolically representing the pain he went through when he lost my mother.) instead we used then as maids. we raise them, and well our oldest maid raises them and tells them the ins and out about our home. its just amazing that the devil hasnt told them that my father is dracula. 

that just comes to prove that humans are slow. you would have justed theyd figured it out by now, especially since, sisilia went missing

it was a warm, dark, rainy, monday afternoon. ( best kind of day for a hunt) my father requested her, to get a bag of blood. but we just told her it was red liquid, medicine he needed to stay alive. the dumb ass decided she was feeling a bit under the weather, and drank some. then some turned into a bit more, and then she finished the whole bag. 

you see when you drink blood, well my dad's special mixture, it makes you vary strong, and energetic. enough so you can go a whole 3 months without having to hunt. but going long periods without blood can cause problems. when you go a long period with out hunting, and then you smell blood, you cant stop drinking blood untill you have killed three thinks, whether a bear, youth or elderly. when that happens we get alot of praise and so fforth but my tollerance is .. how do you say.. less than his. when i drink his concoction, i can go  11 months with out hunting then i have to go on a wild hunting spree to end my large hunger. thats why we found it so useful to move to an area with a forest for our backyard and well a regular 20th century community. besides, they have the best steaks, bears and wolfs, in Philarenis springs.  

now as i was saying, when a human drinks our concoction, it makes them very pleasure hungry, and then when they snap out of it they tend to become a bit suicidal. we found this out the hard way. 


A/N sorry bout the ending i just wanted a way to start off my next chapter. it should be finished and uploaded in about 2 days. thx for reading. dont forget to share, comment and vote.

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