Im sorry.. or not

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i turned around and saw tony with a large red and dark blue bloatch on his cheek as it slowly spread to the small of his eye. he slowly approached me with the look of hunger desire, anger and need with a mix of something else i couldnt exactlly catch. 

"baby why did you just punch me." tony said with a hint of pain and hurt in his voice

"oh my god tony im so sorry i didnt mean too i thought you were.." 

"its okay my sweet" he said sweetly and pulled me into a big hug. while i cried into his shoulder. 

little confused. well let me clear this up for you.

that night a few years back, when i would cry into jems' shoulder when i scraped my self or that day when we moved. well Tony was always theyre too. he would rub my back in small soothing circles and tell me that it would be ok. one time i fell asleep in his arms. i think that is my most famous memory of him.

the stars were out, there was a small fire set up in the middle of our make-shift circle. aunty and daddy were sitting together, aunty candy was rubbing up on daddy but daddy kept pushing her away.

" damn it richard( Couldnt remember if i said his name already) why wont you just love me like you used to!?!

" you know why alright now leave it alone!"

i cant take seeing aunty and daddy like this. tony saw me crying in a corner, so he took me for a walk as i cried n his shoulder.  we ended up falling asleep on the forest floor looking at the stars up above.


" now will you tell me why you were crying" tony asked once i stopped crying.

" i.. ( sniff).. thought you were ( sniff)... i thought jems cheated on me" i cryed as i cried into his shoulder.  

" tony? why would you.. why would you hurt me like that.??" i asked as i pushed myself away from him and whipped my tears.

" baby.. "

"no dont baby me. why? thats all i want to know. why did you sleep with her, what am i not good enough for you"

" look i am pure. i have been from the moment i have started my exsistance. if you question my purity then come and smell me" tony said. and opened his leather jacket to show his button up. so i could smell it. and that is exactly what i did. and you know what i smelt. nothing. all i smelt on him was his natural sexy, husky sent and the faint smell of the lilly's he was holding before.

i took a step back and looked into his eyes. "but i dont understand."

"it was not I that slept with the wretch." tony said.

" no isabelle we did." my father and jems said in unison as they walked out of the shadows of the trees and shady bushes in the forest and into my line of sight. 


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