Jems and My Powers

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" no isabelle we did." my father and jems said in unison as they walked out of the shadows of the trees and shady bushes in the forest and into my line of sight. 

 i stared in shock as the two people i loved the most, hurts me the most. I didnt realise i was crying until tony pulled me into his chest and rubbed circles into my back.


So ya thats basically how my life has been. a little romance a little heart brake but most of all i found love. i was always so hung up on just being with jems that i never payed enough attention to tony. i know you are probably wondering why i had to end it here but lets face it every good story has to end. 

haha im sorry you should have seen your faces. you looked so heart broken. oh well lets move on to the next chapter of my life. the love of my life but first let me tye up some loose ends. 


"jems how could you!!" i yelled 

me!?! what about him" he yelled as he pointed and stared accusingly at my father.

"he hasnt gotten any in years! no offense dad" i said 

"oh on the conturary. olivia ( from one of the past chapters)has been my personal slave for many a year"

i couldnt believe my ears. like seriously how would you feel hearing your father has ended his vow of not loving. ever since i was little i would asked him.

" daddy why dont i have a mommy"

and you know what he would say " well sweety, daddy loved a very beautiful. beleive it or not. but more beautiful than you. she was smart, kind, and strong-willed." he would always have a dazed look in his eyes. i never understood why but he would have a slight tear that would run down his right cheek after. then i would cup his cheeks and say." its ok daddy, you always have me" and id kiss his cheek. 

you know i never understood why he cried until my 9th year. when it was discovered that i was his biological daughter, and how he killed his wife. blah blah blah you know that story. 

anyway, everytime i asked him that. after he cried he would say " baby, daddy cant take anymore heart ache, thats why we have vows." 

sorry but i understand that some people dont understand what vows are. they are what are now called promises. kind of like abstinense. you make a promise to yourself that you would never doo something until a certain time. like abstinence that time is after marriage. well for my father it was until his secound chance mate. wait a minute.

 " wait father your vow. is it true?" i asked

" Yes its true. i was wondering when you would get it" re replied

" i jumped into his arms and he twirled me around. when he put me down i looked into his eyes. they had lost there evil. being the devil means that you are always evil. so his eyes turned red permanently, but now they are a beautiful sea green. 

" congradulations dad" i said as i whipped the tears from my face.

" as to you. isabelle. as to you"

now your probably wondering what that means. well it means that i am pregnant. remember that moment i had at the bakery with raymond. well ya thats how i got pregnant. speaking of jems

"so jems is olivia your soul mate" i asked

"no" he answered. 

"good cause you wont be needing these. " i kicked him in his balls as hard as i could "needing wha..." 

he fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"ala deth mec de tou jour levon"  ( native tounge: saw goodbye to your death and live amungst the living)

so basically long story short I took away his power to be a vampire. now as i said earlier i was born in the 1800's. so you can guess what happened.

Jems' body shriveled up into a bony, slesh toned looking man. his eyes bulged out as his jaw fell off. i poked the skin between his eye sockets. what was left of his eyes roled back into his head. and he fell to the ground. about a secound later his body turned to dust and was burned by the new devil. me.

as you know, my father lost his title when he found love. and i gained it when i lost a part of my heart ( twins held both havles of her heart) so now i have turned into the badass devil i always wanted to be.

i was lifted in the air as my wardrobe turned from all browns and dull, to blood red and black. 

once my steletoed feet touched the ground. tony tackeled me to the ground and showered me with kisses. 

"Isa do you know what this means" he said huskily as he breathed hot air onto my neck. 

" You are mine. All mine" he said then he claimed my lips with his. and then moved torturably slow down to my neck and finally at long last bite me and claimed me as his.

" once he helped me off of the floor i took his face in my hands and said" all yours" and i kissed him.

----- The End------


so i know some parts of the story could be written a bit better, and yes some parts are a little choppy. which is why im doing another copy of this story. i more published copy. i will have it up as soon as i can. thank you to any and everyone who has read the story to the end. i hope i continue to amaze you. so please read the edited copy when i put it up. once again thank you again


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