Chapter One

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Chapter One

"No! No! GET OFF ME!" Eddie sat up straight in bed for the second time that night. She had been having nightmares lately that were disturbing her sleep, but they had been getting more and more vivid for the last few days.

Jamie jolted awake and immediately reacted to the cries of the woman he'd shared a bed with for the nearly six months. "It's okay Eddie. I'm here, I'm one is going to hurt you." He wrapped her in the strongest embrace possible and rocked her until she came back to reality and stopped fighting his grasp.

"I'm sorry Jamie," she sniffled. "I don't know what's causing it, I can't seem to shake it."

"I know, it's okay," he soothed. "Is it Jake? Is that who you see in the dreams?"

She shook her head, "No, not him. He was nothing. I don't know who I see or feel. There's hands...all kinds of hand on my arms, my legs...they are groping me and squeezing me. I can't breathe, my chest aches and I can't breathe. I can see you, and I'm trying to get there but I can't. You won't come for me, you just stand there and you won't come for me. I don't think you see me."

Jamie sighed, perhaps not being partnered was still rough on her. She was still assigned to Reynolds and while he never put her in harm's way intentionally, he underestimated Eddie's abilities and often left her by herself. Twice the tide had turned and she'd been alone when engaging a suspect. Jamie didn't like it but he'd never say a word, Eddie made him promise.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry that I'm not there in the field with you anymore."

"That's not it, I'm fine at work. I know if push came to shove Reynolds would have my back. I know that. I don't know why I'm having these dreams, Jamie." She looked up at him with shimmering blue eyes.

"I'll always be there, Eddie. If you are in trouble, partner or not I'm gonna find you. I swear that to you. I love you, Edit Janko." He leaned down and kissed her forehead then her lips. "Now, let me get you a glass of water and we'll try to go back to sleep, okay?"

Hesitantly, Eddie let Jamie up to get some water. She was shaking like a leaf to the point he had to hold her cup for her. "That's it, slow sips and even breaths. When you feel better we'll go back to sleep and dream happy dreams. Sunday dinner will be nice, Danny is home again from the rehab hospital, it'll be a party."

After his shooting six months earlier, Danny had struggled to regain the full use of his knee. Three weeks earlier he had finally given in and had the joint totally replaced. There was significant doubt about whether or not he'd be able to be a street detective again, but Jamie was determined to help his brother reach that goal. If he could pass all the tests, he would be reinstated. It was a loophole in the bylaws, Jamie had found with considerable effort.

"How's he doing?" Eddie asked laying back down inside the cocoon of Jamie's embrace.

"Good, he's weight bearing on that side already and is only using one crutch. Linda says right now his spirits are great. With any luck in another six months he's back to breaking heads and cracking cases with Baez."

"That's really great, and it's great for you too. I know how hard it's been for you to see him battling back from this."

He dropped another kiss on her head, "It was hard to see but we made a whole new relationship from this, we are so much closer now."

"There's always a silver lining with you huh?" Eddie yawned.

"Yes there is. My mom taught me that. How about you close your eyes and try to sleep, I'll be right here."

Eddie nodded slightly and turned to lay her head on Jamie's chest. She fell asleep quickly as she inhaled his scent and concentrated on his hand absentmindedly stroking her arm.

Eddie was exhausted when they pulled up to the Reagan family home for Sunday dinner. She'd dozed in the car and was not ready to wake up when Jamie parked across the driveway. "If you want, I can say you don't' feel well and I have to take you home."

"No, this is your family time. I don't want to ruin it. If I am too tired to stay for dessert I will get a taxi home."

Jamie opened her car door and held her hand as they went inside. Since they started to date, he learned that while Eddie was a very capable cop who could take care of herself, in her personal life though she was shy, somewhat insecure, and very ready to let him take care of her. He knew of course she would do the same for him when he needed it but Jamie secretly like this softer side of Eddie.

"Hey, everyone, we're here!" Jamie called out. They were first greeted by Henry, "Hello Eddie, how are you my dear?" Henry especially loved Eddie, he thought she was a great match for his youngest grandson. "Are you feeling okay, you look tired."

"Had a few rough nights," she replied.

"I know how that can be, you bring the images of the job home. I'm usually up all hours so if you need an old cop to talk it out with you just call me on my cell phone thing."

Eddie laughed, "Thanks, Henry." Frank and Linda greeted them next. Finally they made their way to the living room where Danny was watching TV. "Hey big brother, how you doing?"

"I'm good kid," Danny replied getting up smoothly. "How about that huh? New parts are working great already. Good to see you Eddie? My kid brother treating you okay?"

"He is," Eddie assured him. "I'm glad you are feeling better Danny. What's the score?"

Eddie sat down next to Danny on the sofa. It wasn't her turn to work on the dinner and she was too tired to pretend she knew what she was doing. Danny caught them up on the highlights of the game. After only a few minutes, Eddie fell asleep.

Danny laughed, "Way to go, Kid."

"What?" Jamie asked then saw Eddie sleeping on her arm.

"Oh, get your mind out of the gutter," Jamie scoffed and slapped his brother's shoulder. "She's having nightmares and waking up screaming three times a night. I wish it were the other but it isn't."

Danny sighed, "Take her up to your old room and let her rest."

Jamie was already moving, "Eddie I'm gonna take you upstairs," he whispered softly and carried her up the staircase to the bedroom that used to be his. He covered her and kissed her cheek. "Sleep well my love." HE prayed he would get the rest she needed, unmarred by her fears.

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