Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Frank was nearly accosted by the entire family at Sunday dinner that week, especially when Jamie and Eddie did not come. "I told them to take the time alone," he replied. "After what she just went through I think a crowd is not at all what she needs."

"But we aren't a crowd, Francis," Henry piped up. "We're the girl's family now, or we will be once Jamie gets around to doing the right thing."

"He's going to do the right thing soon, Pop," Frank assured his father. "But I advised him to wait awhile until Eddie is feeling more like herself. If he does it now it will mar the pain she has to cope with, and a memory that should be happy will be tarnished by this whole thing too."

"That's so true," Erin added. "A proposal should be special. She shouldn't have it ruined by being linked to this horrible thing."

"How did Jamie handle it?" Danny wanted to know. "He had a really hard time accepting that she'd been hurt that way when we first found out."

"He was a solid rock for her, just as I expected him to be," Frank replied. "And thank you Danny for being there for him while he tried getting to the bottom of this for Eddie."

"Well, he's my kid brother, and he was suffering right along with her. Besides," Danny took a sip of his beer. "I like her. She's a good cop. She's strong to have survived this. She's good for Jamie. He's opened up a lot since he's met her."

"That's true. We'll have a new Reagan at this table very soon." Frank smiled, he was glad his youngest had found the other half of his heart.

Monday morning, Eddie got up and dressed for her tour. Jamie was worried about her going to work so soon after such a trauma. "Are you sure you can do this? Maybe I can ask Sarge if we can ride together for a couple of tours. I don't trust Reynolds with you right now. Maybe Walsh will ride with you?"

"Jamie, I am not a china doll. I can handle it. I don't want this to change how you see me. I am still a cop, and I am still the same person you fell in love with."

Jamie sighed and sat down on their bed, "Eddie, you aren't the same person I fell in love with. That person hadn't gone through what you have... I mean, you did but you had no recollection of it."

"You're right, but I refuse to be seen as weak Jamie. I have to get through this part, I have to not identify myself as a victim."

"Eddie," Jamie sighed but let it go. He hoped and prayed that he could talk to Reynolds, that if they got a rape call he would look out for Eddie. She'd kill him but he had no choice in the matter. He had vowed to keep her safe, to protect her, and that is what he was going to do.

They rode in together for their tour. Jamie kissed Eddie as she headed to the woman's locker room. As luck would have it, Eddie' partner was in the men's locker room when Jamie went in. "Reynolds, can I have a word with you. It's about Eddie."

"She's a good cop, Reagan. We get on fine," Reynolds replied.

"No, this is different. She has a really rough couple of days, some stuff from the past that came back to haunt her. Nothing she did, it was done to her. I need you to keep an eye on her, if you think she's having a hard time, give me a call and I'll try to come." Reynolds was confused. "Did someone hurt her?"

Jamie sighed, "A long time ago and lately she's only dealing with it. How did you know?"

"The way she reacts when we get domestics or women assaulted, she always acts emotionally, not from a cop's place. I back her up. You might not like me, but I have her back. You gave it to me good for Walsh, you think I'm going to mess around with your girl?"

Jamie had to laugh at that one. "She's a good woman, she didn't deserve what happened to her. No one does."

Reynolds clapped Jamie's arm, "I'll keep my eye on her all right?"

Jamie thanked his former adversary and got himself dressed for the tour.

He needn't have worried about Eddie that day. She made him proud handling herself as a solid NYPD officer. When he saw her at the end of the tour laughing with Reynolds he smiled. As soon as they were out of uniform he found her and took her in his arms.

"Are you okay? You seem like you did very well out there."

"Two robbery collars, not bad in a day's work," Eddie replied. "Don't be such a worrywart, I'm fine."

"Let's go get some dinner," Jamie suggested. "Then maybe we'll get another good night's sleep." He kissed her head. "I love you baby, you know that."

Eddie did know it and she would need that love in the days to come.

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