Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

For most of the next week Jamie and Eddie's rest was disturbed by her nightmares. Jamie would hold her when she woke up screaming but nothing helped. By Sunday dinner that next week they were both exhausted. "I don't want to go, Jamie. Go without me."

"Hey, if you don't want to go, we don't have to go. We can order pizza, watch movies and spend some time alone, just the two of us."

"No, Jamie. You go, okay? I just don't want to have everyone staring at me. My eyes are so black I look like a raccoon."

"You look beautiful. Listen I'll call my dad and beg off for today. It's not a big deal."

Jamie picked up the telephone but Eddie took it out of his hand. "J, please go to dinner. We can do movies when you get home. I really just need a little time to myself."

Jamie sighed, he didn't want to leave Eddie alone. She'd been in fragile emotional state since she wasn't able to get much sleep. Reynolds reported to him that when they encountered a runaway teen with a story similar to Morgan's from the previous year, Eddie had a really hard time with the arrest. Still, she was asking him for some time, and in the spirit of mutual respect he would agree. "All right, I'll only stay a few hours then, I will get us a pizza, I will pick up some Redbox, and we will have the best night in we can."

Jamie wrapped his arms around Eddie, "Sound like a plan?"

She agreed it was a very good plan. Eddie flopped on the couch to watch TV as Jamie got ready for dinner. He'd gotten up early and gone to Mass so he could spend time with Eddie that morning. "I'll be back by five, if you need me, call me and I will come right home." Jamie gave her a kiss and headed to this father's house.

As soon as Jamie arrived he was bombarded with questions, "Where's Eddie? Is Eddie okay? Don't tell me you and Eddie broke up?"

Jamie rolled his eyes, "Eddie is fine. She wanted to stay home today and have some alone time. She is still having the dreams a few times a night and we are both pretty tired."

"Has she said anything else about what's causing this?" Henry asked. "Did it start for any particular reason?"

"No, we went over all her collars, we went over all her run sheets, there is nothing that should have triggered this. No sexual assault collars, no gang initiations, not even an honest to goodness shooting," Jamie replied.

"So it's something she repressed," Danny said. "We have to get to the bottom of this Jamie before one or both of you goes out into the field and gets killed from being too tired to think straight."

"Danny, leave it alone," Jamie said firmly. "Please, I explained this to you. Do not push her."

"Who's pushing her?" Danny asked. "But this is getting ridiculous. You sit there and claim that you love her, but you aren't trying to fix the problem. Sitting up with her and holding her isn't that."

"Well that's what she needs from me right now Danny!" Jamie was getting angry at Danny's criticism. "How I choose to take care of Eddie is between me and her. If she wants to go deeper, she will and I will back her up, but that has to be her choice, without influence from me."

Erin rolled her eyes, "Are you two going to fight every week now? Usually it was just once a month."

Jamie ignored his sister too and went to help his grandpa in the kitchen. "Am I wrong Pop? To just back off and let her steer this thing?"

"Well you know her best, you know what will set her off or not. Danny means well, he wants to help. It's obvious that the poor girl is suffering."

"I know he means well, but this is my relationship and I have to take care of it."

"Jamie, you are kidding yourself. If this thing between you and Edit lasts, and it's my suspicion it will, she will be part of this family and have her own relationships inside of it just like you do. You can't keep the girl in a box. Yes, you have to take care of your individual relationship with Edit, but if she ends up in a jam and needing support, you can't stand in the way of her seeking out other people."

"I know that, Pop. I do. And if she wanted Danny to help her, that would be fine with me, but she doesn't want that right now. I want her to fit in and feel safe with everyone else, but she doesn't feel safe right now even with me."

"Did you do any digging at all?" Frank asked coming into the room. He had run his own minor investigation but it had come up as dry as Jamie's had.

"Yeah, I ran her name through the computers on Long Island and here but nothing popped. I ran the MO that she's describing but we don't know how accurate it is. I think, or I hope, it's a fear and not a memory."

"What about her partner? Is she talking to him?" Henry asked.

"No, if she had a different partner maybe but not Reynolds. But he did notice that she is emotional on the job, told me, I appreciate that."

Dinner was announced as ready as soon as Linda arrived. She'd been working extra shifts to help with the uncovered medical bills for Danny's injuries. Jamie ate his food so fast he barely tasted it. As soon as the table was cleared, he announced his was going home to Eddie.

"Give her our love," Henry said handing him a bag of left-over food."

"Thanks, Pop," Jamie smiled. "I'll see you guys. Danny, I'll see you on Tuesday for work out."

Danny nodded, "Jamie, I'm just looking out for you, you know that right?"

Jamie nodded, "I do. See you Tuesday."

When Jamie arrived back at the apartment he found Eddie sound asleep on the sofa. She looked so beautiful with her blonde hair draped over her shoulders and her lips pursed as if they were just waiting to receive his kiss. He debated whether or not to wake her, she needed the rest.

Quietly, he put the pizza and leftovers on the counter and the two movies. HE went to take a shower and turn down their bed. By the time he came back out to the living room Eddie had woken up. "Hey, sleeping beauty. You were out like a light so I didn't want to wake you."

"Thank, I slept well. No dream. Maybe it's over for now. I'm starving, what did you bring me?"

Jamie set up a carpet meal for them, Eddie ate three slices of pizza and some of the left over Sunday dinner. They watched both of the movies laughing at all the same parts.

That night Jamie held his breath as they got into bed. Eddie fell asleep quickly and stayed that way until the alarm went off. Jamie was so happy she'd made it through the night without screaming in terror.

"You want to grab breakfast from the cart before roll call?" Eddie asked. "I could do with a big sausage sandwich."

Jamie laughed at her, "Okay, you win. I'm glad you got a decent night sleep." He kissed her cheek. "If we hurry we can take a walk before we have to report. It's a really nice morning."

They got their uniforms in the car and rode to the 12th. They had an hour and a half before they had to report so they purchased sandwiches and ate sitting on a park bench. When they were done they walked holding hands through the park. "I think it's over for now, Jamie. Listen, if you want to get out..."

"Stop it," he said quickly. "I do not want to get out. If we have problems we deal with it together."

Eddie sighed and leaned into Jamie. As they walked a runner was sprinting through the park and nearly knocked the pair to the ground. "I know him," Eddie said as he ran by. "He's the new transfer, came in from Westchester. "

"Oh, did you ride with him at all when Reynolds was off?" Jamie asked.

"No, and you know I hope I don't have to ride with him, J. There's just something about him that creeps me out. Maybe it's because he looks like one of my ex-boyfriends, I have no idea."

Jamie put his arm around her, "If you get paired with him, just tough it out. You are the best partner I've had and Renzulli well...he's a fabulous cop."

Eddie smiled, "I won't wimp out, Reagan. But he's creepy, I hope he gets transferred someplace else soon, that or I get used to him."

They walked another half hour then turned around to get ready for their day.

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