Chap. 3

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I felt my hands tingle as I woke up the next morning. That dream had shaken me up so much, I'm not even sure I want to know what could've happened next. As of late, I had been sleeping late from my lack of sleep. I bet Ross understood though, he always did.

I shot up not knowing what I was doing, trusting my body to do what it knew was routine. Straightening fathers clothes, Picking out the old or dry herbs and throwing them out. My father wouldn't mind if I borrowed his boots once again, and his cloak, and shirt, and trousers right?  Probably not. 

I stripped and changed tying the strings of the cloak together and securing the clasp. It wasn't the most elegant ensemble. The cloak was a dark green color, the tunic a light white color with multiple stains. The pants reached near the big toes on my feet. 

I headed out the door and pulled the cloaks hood above my head incase anyone would see me. It was early so the only people I would see would be servants and the occasional merchant here or there No one of any importance to the guards. 

I slipped into one of the alleyways a slight nervousness set about me. I could feel something watching me. Almost like sort of a cat watching it's prey. I skid to a halt as I saw a lump on the ground. A too familiar size of lump, wearing a bright blue cape. Embroidered in with a silver eagle on the arms. 

A knight of Dralkien lay dead in a pool of blood. 

The Guards of Dralkien POV

I knew something was off. 

There certainly was. 

The reason I was nervous was a person, of gender I was not sure darted by. The person was wearing a cloak. Not too suspcious. With the hood up. In the middle of daylight. Most suspicious. Most suspicious indeed. 

I poked my fellow guard-on-duty and motioned after it. We tiptoed, though we weren't so sure how quietly and followed. As soon as we reached a dead end it was like the stranger up and dissapeared. 

Luke, which was my partner motioned towards a small opening in the wall. Certainly not big enough for the average knight. But I was positive they could fit through it. Definetly. I breathed in and passed a large mound of crates. There was the stranger. And the one I knew to be a knight in a pool of blood. 

Authors Note -

I just edited the beginnning, added some needed punctuation and overall did some minor grammar fixes. So far my edit-week has been moving along fairly quickly. What do you guys think about me hiring an editor? It means I would get chapters out fairly well -written but slower. Tell me what you guys think.

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