Chap. 5

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That was wonderful, she just had to get caught at the murder scene of a knight. Not a peasant, a knight. I swear the elders are going to kill me. A slow, long painful death if they were having a good day. 

"I King Dwolt of Dralkien, sentence Halex Hornstone to death at dawn for crime of treason!"  

"No!" I could hear several voices cry. Somewhere from the direction of the knights, from Halex herself, and I was a little positive myself as well. 

I sighed and chanted under my breathe. An orb of white, heavenly light enveloped the throne room. Celtic music played as it dissolved yet the accused and myself were nowhere to be seen. 


Halex' POV 

I jumped up out of sleep with a grunt, laying in a place I probably didn't even know existed. Probably some dark forest with a large mass of magical creatures. Great. 

My head hurt. was the first coherent thoyhhhhhught. I felt like all the knowledge of the world entered my mind.*That would surely give someone the type of migraine I had right this moment. I winced as I heard a small sound. 

That small sound brought me back to my senses. My eyes were leading me from the leaf strewn ground to a pair of black hunter boots. Interesting. My eyes trailed upwards and stopped at a pale face surrounded by unruly brown curls. A bright pair of green eyes peered at me, almost as if into my soul. 

"Oh you're awake. Back to the land of the living I see." His voice had an Irish undertone to it, a slight jingle you couldn't get out of your head. 

"I guess so, but who are you?" 

"Twellwyn, the kings council servant boy. The one with the dagger?" A nod from myself before I observed my surroundings. 

"Where are we?" Curiosity enveloped my tone of voice, as I was curious. 

"Somewhere around the border of Auranos and Dralkien, another day of travel on horseback and we'll be at camp. Oh man, the elders are going to be furious with me for letting you get sentenced to death. Could you not mention it to them? Please?"A sad expression flickered over Twellwyns face, it made me feel extremely guilty. 


"Okay let's keep going. Emrys is yours."** 

"Okay?" Twellwyn appeared with a pack slung over his shoulder. "That's the black one. The mare." 

I huffed and pulled myself off the ground, dusting off my pants and shirt, subconsciously rubbing at my right shoulder. It felt itchy. 

I pulled my cloak from a nearby branch and wrapped it around me, fastening the clasp and tightening the strings. 


Emrys was a beautiful black mare, large, for certain. Not very intimidating though. I hopped up on the saddle and gripped the reigns. 

I rode on a horse before, when the kingdom and my family were well off, and had a decent amount of funds coming in. But that was when mum and the queen were still alive, keeping the men sane. I missed the Queen, she was an okay person. 

Twellwyns horse grunted beside Emrys and me. Twellwyn came from behind some bramble and tree's. "Nature called." He said firmly. 

He kicked his horse, Puffle, I learned later whatever kind of name that was, into a gallop. A small beaten trail led me behind him. Strange. Auranos and Dralkien hasn't associated in decades. 


Me and Twellwyn rested at a small pond, surrounded by mossy tree's. I checked the pond to see my reflection. I looked so. . . . different. Sunken cheeks rested behind matted brown hair and green eyes so full of life looked dull and cold. 

No wonder they thought I was a murderer. I looked so scary and relentless. 


Several hours later

Twellwyn and I were in front of a mass of black, green moss covered boulders. Two of which were in front of a dark birch tree. Beside me, Twellwyn chanted a strange language and the boulders slid apart, a bright and lively camp filled with music, dance, and scents unfolded. 

"Welcome to the Camp of Beginnings!"

* Yes people, that is a Fullmetal Alchemist reference.

** Merlin reference. Also known as the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth, immortal, ect, ect.

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