"I Need To Tell You A Secret"

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I woke up at about 8:30 the next morning, my hips throbbing. I guess I worked up a sweat last night. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to grab myself a pop tart. When I unwrapped it, I thought of my parents. The wrapper being torn was my heart because they didn't even put the effort into finding me. The pop tart meant a whole new life. Silly, right? I heard footsteps come down the stairs and figured it was Chris. I turned around when I saw Marissa right in front of my face.

She had a knife. She pinned me up against the wall and held the knife up to my neck. "What did I say, sweetheart, about my boyfriend? You think you can turn him on and play with him, huh?" She pushed the knife farther. I gasped. "If you make one little peep, I will slice your throat into little pieces! Now, do what I say, and all things will be fine! You go up there and tell that you only wanted to be a sex toy, okay?"

She let go and motioned me upstairs. I knocked on Chris's door. "Come in." He said.

I walked in to see him in boxers with no shirt. I kind of drooled a little when he looked up at me. He was hot! I went up to him and sat on his bed. I leaned to his ear and whispered what Marissa was making me do. When I finished, he leaned back and looked shocked.

"Just play along." I whispered.

He nodded. "Chris! You know how we had sex last night? I only wanted to be your sex toy!" I said loud enough for Marissa to hear.

He giggled a little. "What? I thought you loved me?"

"No! I never loved you!"

We smiled a little. "Get out! Go to your room! I will deal with you later." Chris said.

I stormed out of the room, only to see Marissa walk into the room. I stopped right outside to listen to their conversation.

"Hey baby. How about we give each other some love." Marissa said huskily.

"Oh baby, how about you run off of a cliff?" Chris suggested.

"What? Why would you say that?"

"You know what you did! We are done! I don't love you!" Yelled Chris.

"You can't be serious? I am hotter than that slut you hang out with!" Marissa growled.

"No, you're not. Bye-bye!"

I giggled and slid down the stairs. I sat at the table and finished my pop tart. I heard Marissa storm downstairs. She gave me the evil eye right before she left, slamming the door. I ran upstairs and went into Chris's bedroom. He was staring at the door, like he was waiting for me to come in. He's been crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Heather, I need to tell you a secret."

Hey guys! What's the secret?!!!! Honestly I don't know... i have to think about it. Leave some suggestions!!! PPLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEEE!!!! Remember to Vote! Ya don't have to though. LOVE YOU!

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