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I woke up, picking my head off of the floor. I rubbed my neck and stretched. When my eyes adjusted, i could see everything! My vision got sharp overnight. I stood up and looked at the ground. I think I grew to about 6 foot too because my pants were shorter.  My shirt was a bit snug too, for I lifted it up to see a six pack. Six pack? I have never in my life had one of those!

I started to admire the muscles when I heard someone talking in the room upstairs. Wait, how? My hearing was so freaking good now! The person was coming down to my cell.

The door opened, for I saw Josh. "I see you've, uh, changed."

"Ya think?" I asked.

"Well, you look way sexier this way." He said huskily, walking towards me.

"What did you do to me?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "Really? You can't figure this out? You. Are. A. Werewolf."

I gasped.

"Okay, here are some new clothes. Put these on and go into the kitchen when your done." He stated.

I nodded. He gave me black sweats, grey t shirt, tennis shoes, And a hair tie.  I put everything on, and put my hair in a messy bun. I headed toward the kitchen to see Noah and Josh talking.

Noah saw me and smiled. "Well hey there pretty girl!"

"Don't call me that." I growled.

"Feisty little girl aren't ya?" Josh said.

"What do y'all want from me?" I questioned.

They looked at each other. "We want your boyfriend to get hurt. We want to tell him you ran to us, and wanted to become a werewolf." Josh said.

I snickered. "He won't buy that."

"Oh really? You are the one who's telling him. If you don't, you're going to get murdered." Noah added.

"How are we going to tell him?" I asked.

"In person. That's what we are doing today. We are going to Chris's house and you, my friend, are going to tick him off." Josh said.

"In fact, get your shoes on, Josh. We're going right now."

Whyyyyyyyyyy!!!! I don't know guys. I hope y'all still like this. Love y'all!

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