I Am A Ass

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The sounds of my full blasted deafening alarm clock goes off, it's the only way I'll wake up, but it surely bothers me. I hissed and flipped onto my stomach, burying my face into the pillow. I muffled a few words into it hoping that Alex would hear them, as I get no reply back I groaned and looked up noticing that I'm the only one here. Still half asleep I slammed my hand on the button silencing it and pulled myself up off the bed to the location of downstairs

"Good morning" They all said in sync

"Good morning" I halfheartedly said back.

"Well I knew you probably wouldn't be in a good mood"

"Am I suppose to be?"

"You shouldn't ruin everyone else's morning, but I understand, so I made you your favorite" A plate of pancakes, bacon, and porridge was placed in front of me. My stomach growled from the smell, I haven't eaten at all yesterday. The Smiths said they were going to take us out to eat to celebrate the adoption, but plans change and so did my feelings for them. I will forever hate them... They were suppose to take care of us, they were suppose to take care of Alex.

"Thank you" I smiled down at it

"All of you, eat up. School is in two hours" With those last words she left the kitchen to go upstairs. With eight people in a two bathroom foster home we all have to get up extremely early to make it on time for school. I blame the parents, I always blame the parents for everything. If they were eligible to take care of their own kids there wouldn't be so many of us here.

I tried to ignore my thoughts they'll only make me angry "So, how's everything?" When I looked up from my plate everyone is still looking down on there's eating at a faster pace.

I heard muttering to the left, I had to strain my ears to understand it came from Pamela. "Pamela! How's everything"

"Here it comes..." Someone else said

"Comes what?" I smiled innocently

"Karla not today"

"I just want to know how everyone is doing because well you know it's so fascinating to know how someone is doing whose parents were drug addicts" I faced Joshua, Pamela, and Daniela "Got killed" I looked over to Glitter and Fred "Or was just the old fashioned way of getting into a foster home... neglected" I looked at Alex and Ethan.

I propped up my elbows on the table "So... As I said before, how's everything Pamela?"

Tear dropped down from her face into her breakfast "Excuse me" She wiped her mouth and threw the napkin on the table before running out. Everyone looked at her run out except for Joshua, he just glared dirty looks at me

"Every damn day Karla when you have a bad day, why?" Sounded more like a rhetorical question to me and I truly didn't have an answer so I ignored his question, but he was waiting for a response so well... I gave him one

"Pamela is crying, why don't you go comfort her"

"You're an ass" I couldn't defend myself neither could Alex try to defend me because it was unfortunately true. The hatred I have for these parents boils up and I take it out on everyone else, not the best method, but it's the only method I have.

"Thank you"

He walked out following two other people who decide to go be with Pamela. I turn over to Alex who is still looking down at her plate "That wasn't necessary" but it was...

"Are you ready?" I said

She cleaned the table for herself and the few people that left their plates "I'll go alone. I'm going to be alone later on it might as well be now"

We're the Thompson sisters no one can tear us apart.

"Alex. Your acting like I'm-"

"Save it Karla" I watched her grab her book bag and slammed the front door in anger... Anger that was wait built up by me.

I sighed in distress and looked at everyone else that's still at the table eating very slowly and cautiously as if trying to fly under my radar today.

"I'm far into distress now, stop looking like you'd rather die" I looked at the two. They relaxed up and ate much more comfortably "Much better" I placed my plate away and went back upstairs to get ready for school, at least there's not a line and I have hot water.

I turned on the shower and stripped off all my clothes, getting inside the shower I hoped that the warm water would wash all my problems away.

Why am I the older sister? The one that has to look over my little sister because my parents didn't want to.. This isn't fair. I sighed once I remembered one important quote.

Life isn't fair...

This is only making things worse. People think about their problems in showers not ignore them. I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around me before I froze.

"Karla! Mrs.Harrison wants you" I groaned and cursed under my breath, what'd I do this time?

I slowly put on my clothes. I didn't want to get another lecture.

I heard another bang on the door that made me speed up a little "Hurry up! We still need to get into the bathroom too" They all said angrily, my mind might be playing tricks on my, but I think I heard them trying to pick the lock.

I swung the door open finally and walked down the hall to Mrs.Harrison room. I crept my head through the cracked door "you wanted me?"

"Yes, come on in" She said waving me over, I walked inside and sat next to her on the bed

She softly spoke which made me feel much worse than I already did, I'm surprised I could feel worse. "Karla... Your parents can't take care of you. Their parents can't take care of them. They're all emotionally weak just like you... They didn't ask to be here. They don't want to be here. They're feeling the same way that you are everyday and for you to remind them of that pain... You just have to stop" My heart throbbed when she said emotionally weak and I could only think of Alex after that

"I'm trying" I whisper, I'm trying relieve her of that pain

"Why do you hate them so much that you have to bring painful memories back to life?"

"I'm weak Mrs.Harrison. I don't hate them, I hate their parents, I hate my parents!" She pulled me in close and stroked my hair softly as I weeped softly on her shirt. "I got you" My sadness deepened don't have me, have Alex.

"Please if you can't adopt Alex promise me that'll you'll take care of her as much as you can, please" I tugged on her shirt like a little kid and looked up at her. I can barely take care of myself..

"I promise" A stern promise I knew she won't break

"Thank you" I stood back up and wiped my tears away. I have to stay strong or... at least look like I'm strong. I've made the mistake of looking weak to bring pity on my parents once and it only got me here... Never again will I let that happen, never again will I let Alex be deprived of food, attention, or love. Never.

Joshua shows! Ahhhh

I hope you liked that chapter! It's probably boring :( don't give up on me though! This intentionally wasn't the chapter I was going to write about this is just a filler. Next one I hope you will like if you didn't like this one. Anyways don't forget to...


Bye thanks! Sincerely yours,

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