Minds Play Tricks

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My mind was playing tricks on me, again

I sluggishly glided my way out of the building. Pure Bliss Massage, Bruce recommended it to me. It did wonders on my back, but nothing could ever make me forget the tricks my brain filmed in my head

It was a sign and I'm scared it will come true. Bruce was the only one that understood, he's the only one I keep telling. I tried sharing this with Joshua, but he doesn't care, nothing about me matters. I've been living with him for half a year now and he still can't seem to let go that I'm his roommate

I should tell Bruce– I need to. What kind of foster parent would attack two girls like that... What kind of friend would let that happen to! I vigorously searched deep down into the abyss called my purse. My phone buried deep under all the useless junk in my small bag was hard to fetch out

How dare Bruce? Pedicures? Really?

Everything didn't make sense. Once my phone was in my hand all was on my mind was yelling through the phone and hoping it will reach Bruce the way I want it to. "Bruce! You ass!"

The other half of the line was quiet for a few seconds and I couldn't regret enough how I should've subtly slide into my situation first "What?" He replied

I yelled through the phone, my voice high and ear piercing. Passing pedestrians already had enough of my voice and so did he, as I was getting to my point the next thing I heard was the dial tone drowning out

I couldn't help that I was filled with incredible amounts of rage. Even if it was just a dream. I paced to my car, it was the question of the day on how I got me a car without anyone's help. When before I couldn't even afford to buy myself a pair of shoes

"Let's try this again" I said, slamming my car door after me. I dialed his phone number once more, and sat under the hot blazing sun. My a/c doesn't work for anything, my only friend in this type of situation is my windows

It wouldn't be much of a surprise if it went to voicemail, I let it rang five times before I hung up and tried again. The third time calling he immediately picked up, his voice in a battle with mine

"Call me back when you calm down" He shouted into the phone and then, the dial tone

Fine, I don't mind coming up to your apartment. I pulled my hair back and carefully reversed out of the parking space, making sure I hit no other cars on the way out

When in doubt Bruce is the one to go to. It went a little downhill when I found out about him and Justin, but I have no one else. Alex is different, more like a real teenager now and I happy that happened so I don't want my silly ramblings to destroy that for her. Especially since it deals with her in it all the time, and for me to create that happiness only to ruin it is not only unfair, but unbearable

New clothes, shoes, a new look altogether. And I was able to make that happen never once did I tell her how I got the money, and I don't plan on telling anyhow

We're just all happy now– that's what matters

"Bruce!" I banged my fist on his apartment door until it started to hurt. I left his apartment key at my own apartment, this wouldn't be so hard if I just stop forgetting. "Bruce!" I called out again, but it was a failed attempt. I yanked out my phone from my back pocket and decided to call, on the first three rings he decided to pick up. Well, picking up the phone, that's a start "Open the door, Bruce!" I shouted into my phone again for the third time today, the massage didn't work as much as I wanted it to

I leaned all my weight onto the door and fished out my credit card from my purse. Another branch attached to Alex happiness is mine. I can afford my own credit, and just looking at it washes all the problems away until I remember how it got in my bag in the first place

By the time my credit card was in-between the door frame and lock, it abruptly budged open. My credit card was no help at all– it was actually a joke "Wow, seriously?" Bruce laughed at me as I was picking myself up off the floor I recently just smacked in to

I need another useless massage

"What's wrong with you?" He asked as he gave me a hand, but I slapped it back down. Nothing can make me forget what he did

"You killed me" I poked his chest aggressively and forcibly that he stepped back with every poke I made "And Alex" I poked again "And you let Bradley do it" I then shoved him down onto the couch as he glanced up at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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