Nice To Meet You

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The drive to Sandersville was long but it was worth it. The small town was absolutely stunning like a picture from a catalog. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, a few months ago I wouldn't be able to picture myself here but my dream became a reality. Well.. Almost

Believable though, happy endings don't exist. Cinderella is a lie. A myth. Who in gods name would search the whole town for one girl off of the clue of a shoe?

"I can see that you're enjoying the view" I quickly clock my head to the person talking a tad frightened by the out of no where outburst.

"Yeah" I stammered smiling

"Just wait till you see the house" Mr.Smith smiled back looking at me through the interior car mirror. I smiled in response. We just began to have a sort of smiling contest, we back and forth stretched our smiles bigger and bigger... so awkward. Thankfully it was cut off by Mrs.Smith words I would've lost, I couldn't stretch my face any further

"Bradley the brag" She joked laughing quietly to herself. As if she ruined the mood for Mr.Smith he replied back dully very uninterested, the smile disappeared into thin air. It tensed up the air swarming around us so I tried my best to fix it for myself by rolling down the window on my side. The new air clouded my thoughts and lungs soothingly. Better. Much better.

We just sat in the car in silence after that, Mrs.Smith looked pained and hurt. Her light brown eyes filled with sadness, if you squint hard enough you could almost see the glistening of a tear as if someone just pushed her buttons. I sneaked in a look or two but I mostly kept my eyes glued to the window ignoring her as much as I can. I would ask what's wrong but it seems kinda odd since this is my first official day with them. Although Mr.Smith seems bored with his hands on his face, elbows propped up on the arm rest as he looks out the windshield. I did the exact same thing. I could use a few minutes of sleep. The venue seems like a once in a life time thing to look at but the annoying calls my body is giving me to go to sleep won.

× × ×

The hands roaming my body woke me up in a instant. I never been touched like that. "Mr.Smith?" I yawned calmly, I was still in sleeping mode. He froze and jerked his head up but forgetting that he was still in the car the impact his head took on the car headliner must've caused some damage. My eyes bulged as he fell onto the grassy yard. "Oh! Mr.Smith!" I yelled getting out of the car in a hurry. I crouched down next to him and helped him at least sit up. Are you alright? Okay? Fine? Healthy? Stable? Can you talk? Can you hear my voice? I asked on and on. It wasn't until 5 minutes later he began to respond but slowly it felt like every word he tried to say came out to be painful.

"I'm your dad now, call me dad" He then continued after applying pressure on his head "You are now my daughter" I was looking for more of a 'Yes, I'm fine' kind of response but at least he's talking, that's all that matters. He looked at me for approval when I nodded yes he strained himself to get up through gritted teeth. "Sorry" he said as he was fully standing up on his two feet "I was just trying to pick you up, I didn't want to wake you. It looked like you were having a peaceful sleep" it was true. Probably my best sleep yet even if it was in a car, I'm finally off of beds of nails.

"It's okay, I'm up now. Come on let's get some ice then a hot towel" I examined his head, I may not be specialized in the medical field but commercials help. Ice now heat later.

He tried to chuckle but it only came out as a dry cough so I patted his back "I wanted to give you the grand tour of the house but, hey, plans don't always come out as planned" I chuckled back because I've faced some similar moments like this before. My eyes were focused on the bump forming on his head but I lost focus when I saw the beautiful scenery in front of me

"Y-you live here?" I stuttered. My dream is close to being finished, I now live in a castle! A squeal of excitement passed my lips without me knowing, I felt like a kid in a candy store. I left Mr.Smith.. Or dad outside as I ran up the few steps that leads to the not one but two doors. "I live here" I yelled and it echoed through the entire room

"That you do" Mrs.Smith said leaning on the stairs rail "Welcome to the Smith's" She smiled then twirled playfully "Or shall I say, Karla Smith, Welcome to your new home"

My smile stretched bigger than it did when I was having the contest. Happiness does trigger things you thought was impossible. Who said money couldn't buy happiness? Because I'm positive that I feel happier than I ever did

"Karla.. Where's Bradley?" My face warmed up in embarrassment, I forgot him outside, but I played it cool like it was purposely

"Oh him? Yeah he's outside, I'll go get him" I crook open the front door enough for my body to fit through and nothing else, not even her curious eyes. Once I successfully made it through I immediately closed it shut and saw him finally making it up the last step

"Finally" he breathed out

"Dad, I am so sorry" It felt so right so comfortable, I already feel like part of the family. I didn't wait for the acceptance of my apology, I just rushed him inside and let him lie down on the couch as I got ice, luckily Mrs.Smith lost curiosity. I didn't see her leaning on the rail anymore. "Okay, Ice" I said as I looked through the freezer but there wasn't none

"We usually just use frozen foods like peas" Dad tried to yell out loud enough for me to hear. The peas deep in the freezer smashed between other things was hard to reach without knocking stuff over, I huffed in irritation. I hope they have a maid I thought to myself as I placed it gently on his head. "Don't worry, Jennifer would get that, you may not know but Jennifer is a cleaning freak. We don't even need a maid" it made me feel bad that she had to clean my mess the first day I'm here.

"Jennifer!" He shouted out

"Yes, hun" She said from upstairs

"Mess" He said in a monosyllable then signaled for me to clap my hands two times since he couldn't.. Is she his obedient housewife?

"I'll come and clean it later" I watched her walk down the stairs with a digital camera in her hands "I want to capture this- Bradley!" Her eyes were fidgeting with the camera but once she looked up she rushed down the stairs to his side "What happened!?" She cried out. He looked at me but I looked away and started to stare at a photo of them both in a couple matching costume high up on a wall. They looked younger.. Almost my age. Highschool Sweethearts, how cute. She was a nurse and he was a doctor, no, not today's societies ways of costumes. Not a slutty nurse and a horny doctor, but a cute fully dressed one.

"I fell and bumped my head" he replied swiftly, I wanted to forget it as much as he does. She who just went along with it and didn't ask another question.

"Alright well let's take a picture to remember this day" The day I became a Smith and how he bumped his head. Yay I sarcastically said to myself at least now I won't forget. "Smile" she said, I've been doing a lot of that today but I smiled anyways it is a happy moment we're just missing someone, a piece to complete my puzzle. Alex.

As the camera flashed all our faces were smudged together. I myself on the right, Mr.Smith in the middle, and Mrs.Smith on the left. We smiled big, bright, and beautifully. I don't remember taking pictures a lot when I was little but I hope I start to more, with my new happy family.

What a cute ending to a chapter you don't get so many of those in a dramatic story. Some of them are just lie to begin with. Who knows... Oh, wait, that's right. I know aha stick around to find out! Well anyways don't forget to...


Thanks for reading peeps!

Sincerely yours,

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