I'm Easy

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AN:// Mild sexual content and drugs appear in this chapter.. Don't get too hyped about it. Possibly skip this chapter if you're underage?? But It doesn't seem so bad in my opinion

Alex P.O.V Flashback

~Your future may be undetermined
But your present actions
Makes it crystal clear~

"Ricky" I whined, the temperature was below anything I could handle. Why would I want to stay in this limbs freezing air just so he could get more drugs? Damn what a dumb move of me, I basically deserved it with my dumb ass self- speaking of ass I lost feeling to it already.

Keeping warm was my main focus as I rubbed my hands together to absorb at least a little heat.

"What" was his swift reply as he inhaled more puffs of cancerous vapor

"I'm co-" I couldn't finish, the icy air forcefully blew the rest of my whine back down my throat and maybe even a few specks of dirt

"Fuck this and fuck you" I said as I choked out the dirt from my mouth.

"When and where" he smirks releasing the smoke that clouded his lungs on the side of his mouth

I smacked the lit cigarette from in between his lips frustrated "Stop smoking too" I glared pointing my finger right in front of his face

"What the hell, Alex" He yelled, clenching his fist and jaw in anger "that was my last cigarette"

I held his tightly clenched jaw in my hand and chuckled under my breath "Funny how you care more about that cigarette than me" I snapped, so just for closure I stomped on his cigarette and as a little touch for my own amusement I did a tap dance.

The wind caught what's left of the cigarette and flowed it around in a spinning circle before blowing it away into thin air

"Oh wow look at that. Oops" I say turning my head over my shoulder and smiling innocently "Now let's go" I continued sternly walking with a limp. I already couldn't feel my toes and my fingers were on their way.

"Stop" but I ignored him, I wasn't going to stay along and play freeze tag with him, me being the frozen "I said stop" he demanded in a low growl but this time I only snorted

No one bosses Alex Nadella Thompson

"I'm cold" I exclaimed as I kept limping pissed off with him, this weather, and myself.

A yelp passed my lips when I felt I was being dragged back turned around on my heels. Before I could even avert my gaze back the sensation of his freezing lips smashing onto my flushed of color ones caused a shudder to go down my back

"Let me warm you up" He whispered in my ear, his husky tone creating another shudder. His heavy breathing coated my lips the closer he pulled me into his arms defending me from the wind, unsuccessfully

The wind blowing as we kissed tensed my body up into a block of ice and that was all I could feel in my stomach. My organs freezing.

"Kiss me back" He growled

At that moment I mentally yelled at myself, me opening my mouth to say something back gave him an advantage to slide his tongue down my throat

"Stop" I pleaded as I pressed my hands onto his chest pushing him with all my strength but he pushed back. My chest was so closely compact to his there was no space in between us, I could feel his heart beat thudding in rhyme with mine.

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