Open my eyes

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Chapter 1

            I don't know much about my childhood. When I try to think about it all I can remember is a dark black room, no lights. I don't know my parents; I've been told they died when I was very young. All I can remember was Mr Fox bringing me here to St Violet Academy for girls. Oh sorry my name is Luna Sky. Yes I know my surname because I was told when they found me. I've lived at the Academy/ boarding school since I was well... about 6. One important thing to take in we're not some boarding school like you get around the world (we're really a school for Spies). People think in towns like Violet kings we're some posh school for rich girls when we're a school for talented girls. When I say talented I don't mean can sing or dance I mean have great gifts with maths, learning languages and speaking them well, fighting, acting like different people and getting information. Not any girl can get into this school they have to be chosen by MI. What they do is go through every school records and see what girl's grades are very high for their age. Unless your parents are Spies already then you will already have to go to this school. My head teacher is one of the most... I'm not going to say because she will probably read my report for Fields. The only time I get to see Mr Fox is in the summer holidays and New Year's holidays (we have no other holidays), so that was going to be a shock for the new comers when they arrive. I normally sit at the window in the great tower, it's really comfy, I made it like that when I was 10 because before that these mean girls stood up here without the headmistress knowing, smocking and taking drugs (YUCK!) but when they left and waited for two years I went up here and made myself a little dean till it was my turn to become a spy I training. I'm 14 now and coming 15 in November (so in three months). The gates opened to let the cars in, scanning them and the faces to make sure no one who shouldn't be coming in doesn't, if they tried a huge door will open (from the ground) and make the car drop, there are other ways as well but I really don't want to speak about them. Huge walls hide the grounds. Hearing all the girls screaming down on the first to sixth floor (yeah they can scream really loud since I can here first floor from up there) can hurt your ears after wile that's why I always bring a set of head phones up so I can't hear. I watch each car coming in one by one. I read the number plates (I only keep an eye out from two cars I need to come home). A black Mercedes parks outside so I got up to sprint. Going down nine stairs, two corridors (the little corridor from the tower and the seventh floor corridor) going past at least 50 cameras (of what I could see not counting hidden ones) to the main doors where a girl with long chocolate hair, her light brown skin shinning in the sun light with her dark brown eyes glittering, then when she sees me she smiles it can give you that warm feeling. I sometimes wonder if she is a princess. Molly was my first best friend, her parents are spies. As Molly walked towards me a group of girls stood right in front of her (RUDE!).

"Hey Molly what do you think goes with the school uniform, cherry red or pink blossom?" Mary Kelly held out two nail polish bottles in front of Molly

"Well Cherry red since our skirts are red" Molly answered (forgot add Molly is our makeup queen). Mary moved on skipping up to the fourth floor (our rooms are). Molly went to walk again but someone else got in front again. It kept happening again and again so I just walked up to our room and fell onto my bed. People have no manners around here.

"There you are!" wait I know that voice anyway

"Yasmin?" I asked knowing it was right.

"How did you know it was me before you even looked?" we laughed since both of us asked a question we know the answer to.

"Oh Yasmin I missed you"

"I missed you too Luna" she sat on her bed as I sat up. Wow she got a haircut and dyed from that long blond hair to shot red hair. Her green eyes still was beautiful with her pink lips. She was my other best friend.

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