chapter 14

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   Chapter 14

                Heat came to my face as he held my hand. The only hand I have ever held is Liam’s for when you wanted me to keep with him and not wonder off. He was looking at me in the eye so I was looking back. I really could get lost in them eyes. I completely forgot he had a hand free so the next thing I knew he’s over hand was touching my cheek.

“Your skin is so soft and warm” he said in an all most a whisper.

“T h a n k y o u” after that we walked around the shop for a bit getting the things Liam asked me to get. Tom was quite funny at times with all the messing around he did, I wasn’t sure why no one told him off for it. He even put a lamp on his head and danced. I’m sure he didn’t care that everyone watched him and he was singing. At the end I just ran away so embarrassed that I was the one he was singing to. I saw Liam standing near the door so I ran to him, trying to hold in my laughter not knowing my face was red.

“What wrong angel?” He had a worried look on his face.

“Nothing” I answered smiling him, still that look didn’t leave his face. I hugged him tight like I used to holding my head to his chest, I could feel him smiling then he put his arms around me, to people if they didn’t know our ages they would think aw what a cute relationship between dad and daughter (more brother and sister).  Holding the bags in our hands we left the shop laughing and smiling, when I turned around to see who was watching me I saw it was Tom, he looked so sad. I tapped Liam on the shoulder and told him one minute then ran to Tom. He had on foot on the wall and hands in his pocket.

“Hey” I said walking up to you.

“Hey” he said back “Going to leave without saying good bye”

“I have to go home”

“Why will your dad tell you off, if your home late?” ph. I wish, don’t have one.

“Um yes, so my older brother is taking me home now” I pointed to Liam who was standing next to his car. We both watched him put the stuff in the car and get out his phone to text.

“When will I see you again?”

“Don’t know, you see my dad has this job I have to help with so I can’t get out much” great job Luna Lying again but then what chose do I have he can’t know I got to a spy school, I need the headmistress’s permission to leave the grounds.

 “Oh okay” he looked down at his feet. I never mean to hurt people.

“Why?” I asked pocking my head under his what made him laugh.

“No reason” right that’s it I was going to find out what he wanted so I just crossed my arm and tapped on my foot bring out my agent inside.

“Tell me” is all I said. No clue what he thought when he saw me standing like that but all I saw next was a smirk walking across his face and he winked at me.

“Your sort of look hot standing like that” EW

“Shut up” I gently punched him on the arm. He faked hurt which made us laugh.

“Hey Luna?” he asked standing up straight.

“Yes?” I looked into his eyes; I could see some excitement in them.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” my heart skipped a beat. What the hell do I say? I only just met him.

“I got to go now bye” and ran off back to Mr Fox then we headed back to the school. In the car was quite apart from eye of the tiger playing really loud. Guess Liam changed the CD since that girl I hate wasn’t in here. We didn’t talk for the rest of the journey home/ school. Once we was back there I just got some things and sprinted inside, placed them down to where Liam told me to then sprinted to my room to see if Hannah was there and I was right. She was lying on her bed listening to music so I just crept up to her and waited for her to open her eyes. When she did she screams and almost punched me in the nose.

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